
Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Dylan XD, Nov 18, 2015.

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  1. Dylan XD

    Dylan XD Member Silver VIP

    May 12, 2015
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    Ok, so in flood it will be awesome if you can bet in game cash to win more money on the winner of the round.
    It can make others have the money that the other betters lost . lets say I bet 100$ min and another guy bet 100$ min and he wins the round he wins 200$ off of bets and the money he gets after the round.
    There should be a tab on this where you can hold q and it says betting beside votes and you can but the amount that you want to put but the max is 100$
    Or like a command /bet amount/. !bet amount. It says thank you for betting good luck! The round starts and it can make them try harder and win other than build cheap boats it puts better comptition into the game. But you can not bet when there is an event because it will ruin the fun for the event that's going on.

    PS: idk how to make this so i just want to leave it up to you guys!
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
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  2. Akane

    Akane Member

    Nov 7, 2015
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    I think that would be pretty cool but I could not imagine how that would work but hey you never know it can become a thing.
  3. SilverMario

    SilverMario Golden

    Oct 6, 2015
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    I think it's easy enough to get money, we wouldn't really need a gamble command, and trust me, it will not get used a month after it's added.

    Also isn't this the 100th betting system thread? People really need to use the search function.
  4. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    A lottery was suggested by Decap. This is pretty much the same thing
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Rollie

    Rollie Devine Member Gold VIP

    Jun 14, 2014
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    I fully support this, I played on a Css surf server and the use of betting added more attention and intensity to the match, so doing so to flood would help.
  6. Dylan XD

    Dylan XD Member Silver VIP

    May 12, 2015
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    I edited the post and added a long statement
  7. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I like this idea, probably better use than my lottery idea actually. The money betted would be put into a pool and distributed to all players who bet for the winning player. Sometimes you have more than one winning player, so the odds are pretty good. However say one person bet $100 and another bet $300. They both bet on the same player and that player won, so therefor the total amount would be $400 split between two people. The first person would get $100 extra but the 2nd person would loose $100. Just something to think about. Also betting should only be allowed when you are dead. No betting on yourself or other players when you are alive.

    Command could be:

    !bet <player_name> <amount>

    Betting should only be allowed when you are dead. No betting on yourself or other players when you are alive.
  8. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    that's not how betting works. 400 dollars isnt split evenly between two people if the second person bet 300 dollars, if the system were like that everyone would bet 1 dollar and receive incredibly payouts and no one would bet high, resulting in a shortage of funds to pay out which makes the whole system not work

    if you bet 1000 on a player, you should expect to win more if the person wins. that's basic betting. let's pretend x player wins and y player loses. mapple put 200 dollars on x, ethan put 100 dollars on x, and rick put 100 dollars on y. assuming the money was taken already, if x player wins, mapple would receive 266 dollars and ethan would receive 134 because mapple bet more. me and ethan both profit off rick's loss but i profit more. rick would lose all 100 tho cuz hes shit at betting.
    • Salty Salty x 1
  9. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    But yeah this is the most common system of betting by far, some systems use it where there is a positive skew on returns based on how much you betted. (You bet little you gain little % , you bet big you gain more %), but linear works a lot better and there's no room for complaints about fairness in that.

    Return = Total bets x (Bet on winning player / Total bet on winning player)
  10. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    rather it'd be like

    return = amount bet + ( total amount betted by all gamblers * (bet on winning player/total bet on that player) )

    if you were not returned the amount you bet in the first place you would always have a negative net profit unless the player you bet on has low odds

    also a good idea would be to add a title for those that earned the most from betting that round, so like "all inner: mapplesauce won 80k from betting this round" or one where you lost the most from betting so like "fukin moron: rick lost 100k from betting this round"
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
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  11. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    The formula I used takes that into account. Learn to maths please.

    Example of high odds:
    I bet $100 on a player that has a total bet of $10000 from all players.
    The total amount betted that round was $10200.
    $10200 x ($100/$10000) = $102 (You make only a little because all the money went on that person apart from $100, that $100 is split between all players that bet correctly proportionally)

    With your formula the person gets $202, and the total payout is 10100+10200(10100/10100) = 20300

    Imagine a big pot. All the bets are put into the pot. And then at the end it is split proportionally to how much you put in if you won. You're guarenteed to get the money back because you get a proportion of what you put in.

    Using your formula you are giving people money that wasn't betted in the first place every round. (It's absolutely guarenteed that some money is put in from the server unless nobody wins) For the thing I said, the (bet on winning player/total bet on that player).

    tl;dr do you even statistics
  12. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    oh yeah, I fucked up, im not sure why I wrote the formula like that, dumb brainfart of mine. quickly made that post while in school so whatever

    times like these make me wish xenforos could have a dumb rating button

    I'd abuse the shit out of it tho
    • Salty Salty x 1
  13. SilverMario

    SilverMario Golden

    Oct 6, 2015
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    How about this, you better on a player, you win, you double what you bet, you lose, you lose it all. Very simple math very simple logic, can't really be abused.
  14. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    This means if there is one team that has high odds of winning you basically make a fuck tonne of money.

    (It's an absolutely awful way of betting)
  15. SilverMario

    SilverMario Golden

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Here I can math it again: don't add this idea because it's easy enough to make money on the server, hence supernova's 3 mill.

    I don't know why I thought that idea was good, I must be high af.
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2015
  16. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    return = Total bets x (Bet on winning player / Total bet on winning player) literally puts no more money into the system. Overall it won't change how easy it is to make moneys
  17. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    using rick's formula I don't see how this can be abused at all
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  18. Nyan Katz

    Nyan Katz Active Member

    Oct 14, 2015
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    I like the idea and thinks it's a really good idea but there should be like a tie thing and you could bet however much but just bet on a tie an bet on the people who you think will tie
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