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Resolved Second thread on TS harassmen/Ban request.

Discussion in 'Feedback & Support' started by The Wolf Whisperer, Jun 9, 2016.

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  1. The Wolf Whisperer

    The Wolf Whisperer Alpha Wolf

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Apparently this issue is not yet resolved as of 8:30 on July 9th 2016, A total of three people from the "kois" group invaded our channel and pretty much endlessly shouted and made obnoxious noises even after they had agreed to cease this. I have 2 vague audio clips that I attempted to record however they purposely refused to join because of my recording so as to avoid me obtaining hard evidence of this happening. The two clips are the best I could do and have even contacted Decap on the issue but have not yet received word back. I am currently working on uploading the files now and since the ban request page has the wrong format I made the decision to post this thread here. I apologize if this counts as a duplicate there but seeing as the original has ben locked I made a new one.


    the following names were the ones causing the issue, h2o, Theory, Supernova,
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  2. freddy-kreuger

    freddy-kreuger Member

    Jun 9, 2016
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    i was in the room playing League of Legends with TheWolfWhisperer as one of them came in being loud and obnoxious.
  3. Ethan

    Ethan Emo

    Jul 11, 2015
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    why am i a part of it, I did not scream yell or anything.
    Edit: also Beasty, he did not join because he was afk eating dinner with the family
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
  4. Supernova

    Supernova Member Silver VIP

    Jun 13, 2014
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    This really isn't evidence. You have 2 minutes of you and ethan having a chat and a clip of 2 seconds of a song and you're trying to get 5 people banned?
  5. The Wolf Whisperer

    The Wolf Whisperer Alpha Wolf

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Of course I don't have much evidence because you three only do it when I'm not recording so as to not get caught. It's foolishness and childish and I plan to put a stop to this because it's obvious you do it to others.

    Of course when you thought I was away I actually heard one of you specifically say the following' "he doesn't have enough evidence we won't get caught".
  6. Ethan

    Ethan Emo

    Jul 11, 2015
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    buuuuut, why is Beasty and I still up there? Beasty was AFK the entire time, and I did not scream and shit.
  7. The Wolf Whisperer

    The Wolf Whisperer Alpha Wolf

    Mar 23, 2016
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    I've edited the post.
  8. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    It's barely enough to make a decision. Like seriously if you guys come to the ts just to annoy people, then simply fuck off and join another. If he has asked you to stop, fucking stop
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Yeah not enough evidence but their little group is known for this kind of shit. Try using another way of recording audio so it doesn't show you are recording in TS. That way they won't know and will show their true nature. We all know how this ended with Firedraft....
  10. Ethan

    Ethan Emo

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Firedraft had a good run
  11. The Wolf Whisperer

    The Wolf Whisperer Alpha Wolf

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Im confused as to why a decision can't be made. If you guys already know for a fact that this group does this type of foolishness then you already have proof that they are actually doing this and can act upon it. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the hard work the staff commits to here but I'm upset that I have to continue to suffer from this when there has already been one issue according to Decap. Im applying to be a flood moderator and one would think I wouldn't dare use deception or lying as a means to get rid of someone. Im doing this mainly for the others who have probably had this happen to them.
  12. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Unfortunately the staff just don't punish without evidence that what you're claiming actually happened, just because somebody has a bad history doesn't mean that any accusations should be taken as fact. If you can't see why this is, and why it's a vital point of any fair community I don't think it's worth explaining.

    Yes I have spoken to these people and I don't doubt that they might do something like this, but unfortunately your word means no more than theirs, and that's just the way that the community is run, you're not going to be able to change that.

    I suggest you either Mute them, Use a private channel or try to get some recording software that won't alert them, in fact even if you just gather evidence of them joining the League Of Legends channel with no intention of actually playing it when you are you could provide that as (Very weak) evidence, the people involved have never had an interest in the community and use our teamspeak purely because it's an open teamspeak, which puts them in a less defensible position as the teamspeak is for community members.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    As Rick explained, this is no different than a server ban request. I cannot take action based solely on someone's word. Even if you are telling the truth and I took action, that would lead into everyone wanting me to do so based on what they say. Yes they have a history of being... annoying.. but that isn't enough to get rid of them. Some of those people you mention I don't even know actually. Ethan and Supernova are the only ones I know of, so the others I can't say anything about from my experience. I do appreciate your drive to prevent these issues, if anything it says a lot about your character. But until I'm given hard proof that shows exactly what you are accusing them of, I cannot take action.
  14. The Wolf Whisperer

    The Wolf Whisperer Alpha Wolf

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Had another run in with them and have this to present if this provides any more background on the issue.
    <16:24:03> "Beasty": but

    <16:24:06> "Beasty": you didnt say anything

    <16:24:11> "Beasty": and went into a channel

    <16:24:12> "The Wolf Whisperer": chill out your not even in the thread no more if you pay attention

    <16:24:14> "Beasty": with a pass lock

    <16:24:15> "Beasty": Hello?

    <16:24:26> "Beasty": Yea But Instead of talking to me.

    <16:24:30> "The Wolf Whisperer": yea cause your friends wont leave us alone

    <16:24:31> "Beasty": You go to the authorites.

    <16:24:36> "Beasty": That's annoying.

    <16:24:42> "Beasty": I understand

    <16:24:44> "Beasty": They are annoying

    <16:24:45> "Beasty": I wont disagree

    <16:24:50> "The Wolf Whisperer": cause what are the chances of them listening to you

    <16:24:51> "Beasty": But TALK to me or something

    <16:24:58> "Beasty": Dont just go and try and snitch to people who CAN ban us.

    <16:25:04> "Beasty": Trust me

    <16:25:08> "Beasty": If you woulda talked to me

    <16:25:11> "Beasty": Like a gentlemen

    <16:25:13> "Beasty": and told me

    <16:25:17> "Beasty": I would've told them to chill

    <16:25:20> "The Wolf Whisperer": alredy attempted that

    <16:25:21> "Beasty": But now youve made a thread

    <16:25:25> "Beasty": and made it crazy

    <16:25:29> "Beasty": This is what happens

    <16:25:33> "Beasty": You never talked to me.

    <16:25:33> "Beasty": Ever.

    <16:25:48> "Beasty": I haven't even heard your voice

    <16:25:51> "The Wolf Whisperer": why dont you calm down and go see my previous thread about us working it out and then they continue to do it

    <16:26:03> "Beasty": I saw the thread right now.

    <16:26:08> "Beasty": That's why I popped off

    <16:26:24> "Beasty": ay

    <16:26:24> "The Wolf Whisperer": and you say work it out like a gentlemen and you come into the room screaming. hmmm...

    <16:26:26> "Beasty": but we dem kois

    <16:26:36> "Beasty": Because you went straight to people with power

    <16:26:41> "Beasty": Instead of handling it like gentlemen

    <16:26:48> "Beasty": Now you fucked up and told authorities

    <16:26:52> "Beasty": like hello?

    <16:26:55> "Beasty": Whatever,

    <16:26:57> "Beasty": It doesn't matter.

    <16:27:07> "Beasty": Things like that in life will get you in deep shit,

    <16:27:08> "Beasty": Later

    <16:28:58> "The Wolf Whisperer": what ever you say man i tried once and it didnt stop so i took the next step
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Active Member Bronze VIP

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Yes, tell me anywhere in that conversation that I deserved to get banned. I kept it PG bro, I knew once again you wouldn't handle it like a man, and take it to someone else to do something about it. It's fine, I expected it. Ban me if you please, but I don't see a reason to. Hes making a absolute scene out of something so little. I just wish you could use your voice TO ME instead of going to other people behind my back, I had nothing to do with yesterday as I was at chillis with my nephew, mother and sister, but I don't need to defend myself. If he would have talked to me in a fine manner instead of making this thread which is a joke, none of this would keep going on. It's ridiculous.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  16. The Wolf Whisperer

    The Wolf Whisperer Alpha Wolf

    Mar 23, 2016
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    Like I said in the conversation your not the target here. Im not sure why your so heated given the fact you believe I'm after you specifically. If you move to the top of this post you'll see who three targets are here.

  17. Beasty

    Beasty Active Member Bronze VIP

    Jul 1, 2015
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    Isn't it already solved?????!? Hit the block button, I already have.
    • Dislike Dislike x 1
  18. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Can you guys just STOP!? Seriously! Some people just don't want to be bothered. Do you honestly have no consideration for others? You're honestly lucky Decap has given you guys this many chances, yet you guys keep it up. It sounds to me like you're asking to be banned. You can claim it was your friends or you were just messing around but, when people ask you to stop and you keep it up then you're essentially harrassing that person and that is against the TS rules.

    I understand that you guys want to have fun by being obnoxious. Thats fine! Have fun! Be obnoxious! Just don't annoy people who aren't a part of your clique or else you run the risk of threads like this popping up or maybe even a ban. I'm honestly impressed with Decaps patients with you guys. I can tell (without even talking to the staff) that you guys are on the verge of being banned for a long time.

    This is not a complaint, but simply a request to ease up on being annoying. If its your "friends" that are the problem and getting you in trouble. Then I recommend not hanging out in TS3 with your friends or else they may get you into a load of trouble :S.
    • Like Like x 2
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Active Member Bronze VIP

    Jul 1, 2015
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    But its over with wat are you sayin
  20. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    In the future, don't do that type of shit. If we catch you, all of you are getting banned even if not involved. (prank)
    • Funny Funny x 1
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