What games/videos/whatever gives you nostalgia?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Bagels, Aug 21, 2017.

  1. Bagels

    Bagels Dedicated Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Thought this would be a cool thread to make. Around last Wednesday or Thursday there was a talk on the Discord, going through the old GameFAQs, and it took me back to years and years ago, using huge text guides on games for my DS. Since then, I've been going through all videos and games and just taking a trip back to a decade ago, fun stuff. Downloaded halo online (basically a version of halo 3 for pc) and played that for a while, as well as going through a bunch of old videos/songs. Went through some ancient Youtube videos, came across an old series called "Stupid Mario Brothers" from around 2007 as well, some of the first videos I ever watched on Youtube. Dumb shit, but hey, I was like 6 and it was 10 years ago.

    What stuff takes you back?
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  2. Latte

    Latte Member

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Ahhhh Windows Xp especially the installation music. For games, The Sims 1 OST really brings me back and Yoshi's Island really makes me nostalgic, was one of the first games I played. The Nintendo Ds startup is very nostalgic for me, reminds me when I got my ds-lite was so excited for it and for you-tube I remember there is and old driver video I remember fondly It was a video of compilations of stunts in the game.
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  3. Bagels

    Bagels Dedicated Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 31, 2017
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    I remember getting my DS.... It was 2006/2007 or so and it was my 4th or 5th birthday (I had a Cars themed birthday, heh). It was the first gaming device I ever owned myself, and I got New Super Mario Bros with it. I spent so long playing the game, and I played the local multiplayer with other kids a bunch. I thought it was the most amazing thing when I was younger when someone told me about the mini mushroom secret leading to entire new worlds (Worlds 4/3 and 7 I think? One of them had a giant goomba as the boss).

    Yoshi's Island was great as well, I remember it being one of the few games I lost and I was really sad about it. Low and behold, 2 or 3 years later I found it and it felt like the greatest day of my life. One of my favorite memories.
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  4. Mapplesauce

    Mapplesauce twentyseven character title

    Jun 22, 2015
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    i remember watching stupid mario brothers when i was little, the weird IRL mario show with lightsabers n shit
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  5. SilverMario

    SilverMario Golden

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Stupid mario brothers was my favorite series on YouTube. Season 1 is a compilation of the best videos on YouTube. I personally have a love for the N64 as I played it non-stop when I was a kid. Wave Racer, SM64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Golf, LoZ:OoT. Those games really bring me back. Also I did love the GBA and played a shit ton of Pokemon Blue(which is where my love for pokemon began. I played very little SNES before my time and I really only played old mario bros on it(best game ever). Also Smash 64 is fucking awesome.
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  6. Loofy

    Loofy Loneliest Silver VIP

    Jul 13, 2017
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    I was a weird kid. Spongebob sings *insert* was my first ever taste on youtube. My biggest childhood game that change my view on modern gaming was kingdom hearts on the playstation 2, and some good old gameboy advance/ DS was lit
  7. The Gaming Bean

    The Gaming Bean Dedicated Member

    Apr 10, 2017
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    Sly Cooper games and iSpy cd rom games really bring me back
    Also early 2000 songs like Hella Good
  8. Fmn

    Fmn Active Member Bronze VIP

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I gotta say, right now, Modern Warfare Remastered springs to mind. I played a bit of COD 2 through to MW2 and then when Black Ops came out, I never played COD again (turned more into a FIFA kinda person). Coming back to play COD 4 (on next gen too) after such a long absence is incredibly nostalgic.
  9. C.L

    C.L Anonymous Alcoholic

    May 1, 2017
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    Warcraft 3. age of empire 1. Spyro. Crash bandicoot. if were talking about games. :p
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  10. Kolser

    Kolser Cheeki Breeki Silver VIP

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Oh yes. Warcraft 3 and Supreme Commander (Had a lot of fun times on this one, that's why it's so nostalgic)