Flood Suggestions [Archived]

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Bayrock, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    Frankly, there isn't any reason to have the opacity meter. As touched upon in my latest bug thread I thought it was intended to be used. It's all good, though.
  2. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933

    (1) Physgun Reload Unfreeze Delay/Warning

    (a) Prevents props from being accidentally unfrozen with a faulty press of the Reload button. Unfreezing props requires the "R" button to be pressed and held down for one (1) second.​

    (2) Physgun Undo

    (a) Allows users to undo Physgun-related actions with a bound key.

    (1) Gmod 13 CS:S SWEPS with C_models

    (a) The addon contains scripted weapons, but that's NOT what's of interest. What I'm looking at are the C_models. Perhaps there's a way to extract and apply them to our CS:S weapons, unless we can manage that by ourselves. It'd look nice as far as 1st-perosn model consistencies are concerned.​

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    (+) Bullet / explosion / fall / crush damage . . . . . White

    (+) Fire damage . . . . . Red

    (+) Bug Bait (poison) damage . . . . . Light green

    (+) Combine mortar damage . . . . . Blue
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
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  3. [Gfl]jpw142

    [Gfl]jpw142 Member

    Mar 6, 2015
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    There should be a few more wepons and i have some in mind.
    .Blowdart shoots poisonos darts 2 ammo and does 2 damage for 5 seconds
    .Smoke grenade ammo 1-3 it makes a smoke screen to keep out of sight for 5-10 seconds
    .Anchor ammo infinite shoot down and stay in place as long as you hold the anchor out
    .Electric bomb works like bugbait has the same ammo as bugbait exept it makes a bubble of electricity and if you go in it you will be stunned for 5 seconds
    .Rc Boat A boat that you can control and ram into peoples props it does 5 damage per hit has 50 health so when its shot it looses health.
    .Flamethrower i dought this will work but it lasts for 20 or 10 seconds and does 5 damage and does 1 fire damage until put out.
    .Throwing Knife 1 or 2 ammo you throw it and it has an ark to it its souly ment to damage players 10 damage 15 critical.
    .Rc Plane i dought this will be implemented but it lasts for 30 seconds its a plane with a gun on the bottom to shoot people and the damage could be from 5-8
    .Sheild this is just an idea but you hold in infront of a prop and it blocks 50 damage then it dissapears for the round
    .Weighted Spear it has one purpose to hit props and weigh them down to kill the person it does no damage what so ever and i think it should have 3 to 5 ammo
    .Laser Sniper Fast Fire rate Fast reload does 10 damage and same ammo as awp
    .Bayonet Fade A grenade that blinds someone temporaroly for 5 seconds.
    .Double barrel shotgun slow reload high damage im thinking 10 damage per bullet hit
    .Mortor high damge slow reload kinda shoots a big ball and it weighs props down opun inpact
    .Nyan cat gun shoots nyan cat it is the same as smg exept annoys people
    .Last one is a rail gun that has 25 percent accuracy and does massive amounts of damge slow reload
    I hope you implement some of these and look at this
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  4. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Lots of good ideas there jpw
  5. Sámmî♫♫

    Sámmî♫♫ Member

    Mar 22, 2015
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    Radio. Admins can put songs on a list from youtube players can "queue" the songs to a song queue, that could be really great! :)
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  6. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I mentioned to @Donkie that it might be a nice idea to allow VIP members to queue songs. I don't recall his opinion, but good suggestion.
  7. LittlePrincess

    LittlePrincess Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    Nerf grenades. Seriously, they ruin all the effort put into building a boat, reducing every masterpiece you manage to invent to a pile of garbage in a matter of 15 (fifteen) seconds.
    Grenades need to (pick one):
    1. be removed,
    2. have their damage dramatically dropped (50->15/20),
    3. do damage to fewer props, like, dunno, five.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2015
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  8. LittlePrincess

    LittlePrincess Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    That sure would balance the differences between teams and single players, but it slightly misses the point. Grenades will still destroy things too fast : (
  9. Firedraft

    Firedraft Devine Member Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Nah, They are fine as they are.
  10. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933

    DISCLAIMER: The following idea is not geared toward replacing the server-side playlist in any way.


    (+) Each user has access to a private music playlist. It can be turned on or off when needed (whether for listening to the server's playlist instead or for a moment of silence).

    (+) Private playlists are exactly what they are: private. The playlist creator is free to listen to his / her selection preferences without having to worry about what others may think about them.

    (+) Songs are added via links (or appropriate measures) from Youtube.

    (+) Song allocations for each phase:

    (1) Build Phase . . . . . 30 songs

    (2) Battle Phase . . . . . 50 songs

    (3) Miscellaneous . . . . . 10 songs
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2015
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  11. Dr. Pit Lazarus

    Dr. Pit Lazarus Angelic Web Developer Gold VIP

    Aug 12, 2014
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    How would this work though? Players can just toggle music off on their clients and play their music in the in-game browser (Youtube playlist) or their favourite 3rd party music player (or the built-in steam music player). I feel like it's not worth it; the filespace, bandwidth, etc. Private music playlist sounds like the admins adding a crap-ton of .mp3s for each player who wants one... :confused:
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  12. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    *Shrugs* Okay then.
  13. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Suggestions for Juggernaut round to make it better:

    • Increase Prop Limit for Juggernauts to 20 each.
    • Indicator or pop-up message that tells the player they are a Juggernaut or a sailor.
    • Restrict players from saving props from the previous round.
    • Make the Juggernaut player model a little bigger. They seem shorter than regular player models.
    • Change the selection process for deciding who is a Juggernaut. After 5 Juggernaut rounds back to back, mostly the same people kept being selected. It seemed like people who were at the bottom of the scoreboard already were being selected before others.
    • Turret emplacement for Juggs, placed similarly to how the cannon is placed in pirate round. 5 damage per shot, infinite ammo but it can over heat quickly if used to much, and a slower fire rate than the para.
    • Rooms will lock for Juggs only, sailors cannot have locked rooms. Many sailors attempt to minge with the Juggs props.
    • Better
    As you can tell, most of these are in favor of the Juggernauts. I always wanted the Juggs to be the winner for most rounds, only a coordinated team effort would defeat them. This is our Boss event and they shouldn't be easy, though you do have to take into account how good the players are themselves. After numerous rounds of testing I've found that the Sailors still win 90% of the rounds. The restrictions on sailors are very good and shouldn't be changed, but the Juggs just aren't very powerful themselves.
  14. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    -Add Harpoon and bug bait to Jugg weapons.

    Other idea:

    -Buoy's and Anchors, possible as a tool used to attach to boats that can be 'deployed' during battle round.
    • Buoys (max 4, 25 hp each) once deployed can assist in making your boat float better.
    • Anchors (Max 1) keep your boat from moving around.
    VIP idea

    -Deploy-able emergency raft.
    • 300 hp
    • Takes 10 seconds to deploy/inflate. Once inflated, health (air) slowly depletes at 1hp per second. This is to keep players from using it in otherwise non-emergency situations.
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  15. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    The following is a reply to a similar idea I shared about having a life raft:
    I will say, however, that the "deflation" effect would be a good countermeasure. Probably should adjust the health loss to -1.5 HP per second (-90 HP per minute).
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  16. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I would expect the raft to to be a bright yellow, something that people can see very well, and big enough to fit 2 people without flipping over. The situation I had in mind when using it would be that when the persons boat is almost destroyed, they would deploy the raft and jump on it. but with it being big and yellow, it's and easy target to take out and will mostly just give the person another 30 sec or so to stay alive.
  17. cornpie

    cornpie Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Bounty System

    Some people believe that large teams (or certain players) consistently win games. I'm not talking 3 rounds in a row. I am talking about 6 rounds in a row. I put my mind to thinking about a solution and came up with one that would also implement an interesting feature. What if we had a bounty system? It would function by putting a bounty on a team or player that won about 3 games in a row. After they won 3 games in a row, a bounty would be posted against the team.

    It would probably function as a percent of extra cash from damage done to the props of the team. So as an example, lets say about 3%. If the team with the bounty losses, other players are rewarded 3% bonus cash from damage done to that player or teams boat. So if a player is rewarded 1000 dollars for damaging the bounty team and the bounty team lost, he would be awarded 30 extra dollars. The bounty would then be reset on the team. The bounty could even increase at 1-2% for every win (although it would have to cap out eventually, maybe at 15-20% ish?). This would stop a single team from winning many games in a row because players would focus that team first plus it would add an interesting new mechanic. This also gives players who don't normally win a chance and adds a new effect of randomness to games. I think it would be a great thing to implement because it solves a problem with an interesting new mechanic and a cool factor to having a bounty. I even think the teams that are winning crazy amounts of games in a row would be in favor of it because they can say "I have a bounty".

    This is mostly a suggestion, the numbers I have provided are pretty unbalanced and require further discussion and input. Any thoughts?
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  18. LittlePrincess

    LittlePrincess Member

    Mar 31, 2015
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    I think your example numbers are far too low, I'd suggest as much as 10% plus 5% for every next round won, capped at 25%. It should be clearly visible on who is the bounty, an icon near the nick, or floating above the boat, would be cool. The overall idea is great.
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  19. Firedraft

    Firedraft Devine Member Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2014
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    Lets say I do 3000 damage with grenades because they had a large boat.

    At his cap 15 percent I would earn an extra $450
    At his other cap 20 percent I would earn an extra $600

    Now at your cap, 25 percent I would earn an extra $750

    Let me say that getting 3000 on a single team is actually a very hard task. So if this bounty thing was implemented I feel as the numbers should be even higher. Lets say an individual was teaming with this team/person that was winning a lot. I would rather just buy his loyalty of $1000 and he would earn more money then he ever would shooting me. If anything at all, the cap should maybe start at 30% then plus 15% for every next round won with that cap of 100%. This would also make truces soon break apart. Now lets say a team managed to cap the 100%. Lets also say he built a big boat. Now I would be willing to attack his boat and earn at least 5K+.

    Although its just a suggestion. I could also see this being abused if it welded so much money.
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  20. cornpie

    cornpie Member

    Apr 15, 2015
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    Yea, I have no problem raising the numbers. In all honesty I was proposing low numbers so my idea wouldn't be shot down right away. It also didn't come to mind when I proposed this idea that it would cause truces to break apart and that is another issue that would also be improved upon (nice one Firedraft). What I really like about the idea is that it adds a sense of randomness to the teams that win constantly that slowly stacks the odds against them as they stack more wins.

    I was originally proposed this in response to the fact that Donkie said grenades are going to be nerfed (The grenades forum). I also heard from that forum they were implemented to keep large teams from winning all the time (Although the other negative effects is what is causing them to be nerfed). So I wanted to solve that issue.

    I have no sense of what numbers on this would be balanced because I have never seen something like it get implemented. I also agree with LittlePrincess, if it was implemented it would have to be very obvious if a team has a bounty. We don't want the juggernaut round problem where people get all confused and don't know whats going on. (I actually made that point on the grenades forum)
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