Ban Request against Firedraft (Approved - Permanent)

Discussion in 'Legacy Reports' started by Bender, Mar 28, 2015.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against Firedraft

    Target Name:
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    Katelyn Bruh
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    2015-03-28 15:51:03 UTC
    Devinity Flood US #1
    What rules the target broke:
    11. Do not disrespect Devinity administration or your fellow players. (This includes harassment of any kind)
    Briefly explain what happened:
    Well it all started when he called me a scrub... the end.

    Screenshot evidence:

    Video evidence:

    Other evidence:
  2. [pink]▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ RYAN

    [pink]▁ ▂ ▃ ▅ RYAN Junior Moderator Junior Server Moderator

    Feb 22, 2015
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    Ummm Kate you need proof.

    Attached Files:

  3. Dr. Pit Lazarus

    Dr. Pit Lazarus Angelic Web Developer Gold VIP

    Aug 12, 2014
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    Have a read. lol.
    -some data is omitted-
    2015-03-28 11:34:33 Katelyn Bruh: He has been sophaholic for 5 rounds in a row xD
    2015-03-28 11:34:42 Firedraft: wat
    2015-03-28 11:35:22 Katelyn Bruh: I aint no scrub ya betch
    2015-03-28 11:36:53 Firedraft: look at that 120 damage. What a nuv
    2015-03-28 11:37:10 Katelyn Bruh: -_- Maybe if i wasnt being focused
    2015-03-28 11:37:17 Firedraft: xD
    2015-03-28 11:37:20 Firedraft: Yea me
    2015-03-28 11:37:28 Katelyn Bruh: Ya betch
    2015-03-28 11:37:33 Firedraft: :heart:
    2015-03-28 11:37:36 Firedraft: xD
    2015-03-28 11:37:43 Firedraft: She*
    2015-03-28 11:37:47 Katelyn Bruh: Wot m8?
    2015-03-28 11:37:54 Firedraft: Shehe? xD
    2015-03-28 11:38:01 Katelyn Bruh: Baszune Imma fuckin bash yo head in m8
    2015-03-28 11:38:13 Firedraft: Humans are creaturs?
    2015-03-28 11:38:39 Firedraft: I missed the e but oh welll
    2015-03-28 11:38:47 Firedraft: Banana
    2015-03-28 11:39:02 Firedraft: U
    2015-03-28 11:39:34 Firedraft: lol
    2015-03-28 11:40:52 Katelyn Bruh: WTF
    2015-03-28 11:40:56 Katelyn Bruh: BETCH
    2015-03-28 11:41:22 Katelyn Bruh: Firedraft said you are a scrub
    2015-03-28 11:41:37 Katelyn Bruh: Fuck you!!!
    <<Fire and Kate, questionable overused teleporting>>
    2015-03-28 11:44:11 Zandylion: Why you keep teleporting
    2015-03-28 11:44:14 Awfully Fawful: bring me
    2015-03-28 11:44:18 Firedraft [T]: No
    2015-03-28 11:44:21 GamerRepublic: its funner anyway
    2015-03-28 11:44:24 Awfully Fawful: I fell
    2015-03-28 11:44:28 Katelyn Bruh: Nah
    2015-03-28 11:44:40 Katelyn Bruh: Wait
    2015-03-28 11:45:45 Katelyn Bruh: !kick baszune Scrub Don't Disrespect xD
    2015-03-28 11:45:52 Katelyn Bruh: xD
    2015-03-28 11:46:00 Katelyn Bruh: I put
    2015-03-28 11:46:12 Katelyn Bruh: Kicked for Scrub disrespect
    2015-03-28 11:46:37 Katelyn Bruh: XD ur so funny
    2015-03-28 11:47:17 Katelyn Bruh: At least im a fit creature....
    2015-03-28 11:47:23 Firedraft: 'fit'
    2015-03-28 11:47:30 Katelyn Bruh: ^
    2015-03-28 11:47:38 Firedraft: Cant say shit till you post a pic on the forums
    2015-03-28 11:47:44 Katelyn Bruh: Omfg
    2015-03-28 11:47:56 Katelyn Bruh: You need to make a 2015 one xD
    2015-03-28 11:48:18 Firedraft: lol im like 80 [lbs/weight]
    2015-03-28 11:48:25 Katelyn Bruh: Kinda sound like you got 4 chins
    2015-03-28 11:48:31 Firedraft: wow
    2015-03-28 11:48:35 Firedraft: disrespectful
    2015-03-28 11:48:41 Katelyn Bruh: Firedraft is a little skinny fuck xD
    2015-03-28 11:48:49 Firedraft: Disrespect
    2015-03-28 11:48:53 Firedraft: Demoted 2015
    2015-03-28 11:48:59 Awfully Fawful: you two knuckleheads quit yer fightn
    2015-03-28 11:49:03 Firedraft: xD
    2015-03-28 11:49:12 Katelyn Bruh: Nah he disrespected me
    2015-03-28 11:49:17 Firedraft: Wot?
    2015-03-28 11:49:23 ryan: no he didnt
    2015-03-28 11:49:25 Katelyn Bruh: No please
    2015-03-28 11:49:39 Katelyn Bruh: Stfu!!!!
    2015-03-28 11:49:42 Katelyn Bruh: How?
    2015-03-28 11:51:13 Katelyn Bruh: Fr -_-
    2015-03-28 11:52:20 Katelyn Bruh:
    2015-03-28 11:52:37 Red Blaze: Thank you
    2015-03-28 11:52:38 Katelyn Bruh: xD
    2015-03-28 11:53:11 Baszune: Katelyn no one needs a team
    2015-03-28 11:53:27 Katelyn Bruh: That kid was just saying he does....
    2015-03-28 11:53:33 Katelyn Bruh [T]: english much?
    2015-03-28 11:53:50 Firedraft: What?
    2015-03-28 11:54:21 Katelyn Bruh: Already have a team
    2015-03-28 11:54:26 Katelyn Bruh: Thats trucing
    2015-03-28 11:54:33 Katelyn Bruh: And it aint aloud
    2015-03-28 11:54:36 Firedraft: shhh
    2015-03-28 11:54:37 Katelyn Bruh: Sorry
    2015-03-28 11:54:57 Katelyn Bruh: Firedraft is gay
    2015-03-28 11:55:04 ryan: no he aint
    2015-03-28 11:55:08 Firedraft: ^
    2015-03-28 11:57:28 Firedraft: Anyways im off. Just wanted to mess with katelyn
    2015-03-28 11:57:34 Katelyn Bruh: ^
    2015-03-28 11:57:38 Katelyn Bruh: Douche move
    2015-03-28 11:57:40 Katelyn Bruh: xD
    2015-03-28 11:57:48 Firedraft: No pickles
    2015-03-28 11:57:54 Katelyn Bruh: xD
    2015-03-28 11:57:56 Katelyn Bruh: omfg
    2015-03-28 11:58:00 Katelyn Bruh: Bai :heart:
    2015-03-28 11:58:19 Firedraft [T]: !kick kate disrespectful. No pickels :heart:
    2015-03-28 11:58:23 Firedraft [T]: !kick fire abuse

    Don't hate me pls
  4. Firedraft

    Firedraft Devine Member Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2014
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    This is a joke if you can't tell.
  5. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Approved, player Firedraft has been permanently banned. Being a scrub is not tolerated on our servers.
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