
Discussion in 'Legacy Reports' started by Dr. Pepper, Aug 25, 2014.


Will these issues ever have a fix?

  1. SwagBobyellowpants100 wins

  2. Dr. Pepper wins

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  1. Dr. Pepper

    Dr. Pepper Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    So recently SwagBobyellowpants100 has been being a jerk. He has made the Flood MiniGame not fun for me as of before. He has tooken away that fun from the beginning since I met him.

    1st scene of what SwagBob did: I didn't allow him to come to my team, so he said *Your gonna die* Now I don`t have screenshots of this at the moment, but I remember well what he said. After that, he built his boats nearby me, then killing me from the beginning, so I went to server 2, he followed and did the same, i went back to server 1, he came back again.

    2nd scene is SwagPropPushing and not exiting my room: So since i didn't allow Swag to join my team, he decided to bust into my room, Room number 6 as I was waiting for my teammate, my teammate teleported to me, but SwagBob was in front of me, as I was trying to block the door, cause I couldn't close it due to SwagBob in front of me, he decided to prop push through the door. SwagBob had managed it, but heres a screen shot of SwagBob inside my room.
    Now these are the screenshots.
    3rd scene: SwagBob has gonna into a fight against me, Dr. Pepper, Enigma, PAINCAKES, and GoldenGamer1019, who I was skyping since he was my real life friend. These are all witnesses of this happening. Now SwagBob has decided to take screenshots of me exiting room number 6, carrying alongside my boat. Now he decided to take these screenshots and form them into proof, but these screenshots he took aren`t true. He decided to take these screenshots as proof because he had no proof in the beginning, so he needed to form some evidence.

    To describe the picture i`m talking about that he took is me carrying alongside 3-6 sheets of metal doors, aka my boat, through the door of room number 6, cause I couldn't force SwagBob to get out without any staff members online. So I decided to let it be and went out of the room, i had problems going out of the door with my boat, so SwagBob took screenshots as proof that was even real, to try to convince staff members that i did something, even though i did nothing in the first place, so without SwagBob having any screenshots, he couldn't do anything, so he decided to take these.

    So what I am trying to say all in these paragraphs is, SwagBob got mad that he couldn't join my team, he gets revenge for doing this, and now i`m the one being reporting for doing nothing. The reason I didn't let him on the team is because he quit yesterday night because LadyGaga was messing around inside the team, so he quit. Then the next day *today* he said "invite me to your team dr.pepper" I said "no" because first of all, my friend GoldenGamer1019 was coming on, and he quit our team like it was nothing. His excuse was "My internet shut off" even though he was playing for 10-15 more mins on the server without him disconnecting and coming back on. So he lied about this too.

    This is my report about SwagBobyellowpants100 because he`s ruining the fun of the game for me. I don`t want to be banned for false proof due to divinity being the only server with flood running, and flood has been so far the most fun mini-game.

    This is all the evidence i managed to get due to not knowing how to take screenshots without a camera equipped, my good friend GoldenGamer told me how to do it over skype.

    Truly, Dr. Pepper
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2014
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  2. Dr. Pepper

    Dr. Pepper Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Im afraid that SwagBobyellowpants100 is gonna keep taking false screenshots of me doing stuff that isn't related to anything he`s doing, and causing me to be banned. Im afraid this will never have a solution.
  3. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I have seen this player in-game, and whilst there is no evidence of the scenarios that you have described to us, I have seen the player excessively using homophobic and racial slurs as well as being abusive and disrespecting towards fellow players, at the time I simply told the player to stop, however if I do witness the said player acting this way again, I will take action towards punishing the player.
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  4. Tyereke Spears

    Tyereke Spears Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Rick i never posted a false screenshot in my life
  5. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I have not said anything about you posting false screenshots, however if you do continue to be abusive to players in game, I will have to take appropriate actions.

    Here at devinity we only dish out punishment if the evidence provided is reliable and is not subject to interpretation, so 'False' screenshots will not be acted upon.
  6. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I know Dr. Pepper is a good guy, I've played and teamed with him a couple times already. I just don't see him breaking rules. Just know that someone being in your room that you don't want in there is not against the rules per say. But in order to get the most out of what these guys are doing @Dr. Pepper, I would suggest you record a demo.
  7. Tyereke Spears

    Tyereke Spears Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Dr. Pepper Srry bout prop pushing u if u do except the epolligy then i have a feeling i wont fill as guilty as i am Lol?
  8. Tyereke Spears

    Tyereke Spears Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    wasnt talkin bout u rick
  9. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Makes sense.
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  10. Tyereke Spears

    Tyereke Spears Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    rollie thx 4 giving me another chance and no that dont make sense i didnt mean to put rick in the first sentence i was talkin to dr pep but i want him to forgive me im done with anoyying people cuz i dont wanna get banned from my favorite serv lol
  11. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I'm not Rollie.
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  12. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I've read both stories about this and I would like the fighting/trolling/bickering to end. If you guys want to come on the server to have fun, then please do so. We have this thing called a mute button for a reason and you are welcome to just ignore any chat messages.

    Now, Tyereke Spears does have pics what I would consider a "very" minor case of prop pushing/prop trapping. Does this mean you'll get banned? Well, possibly. I've left the thread "open" so that maybe you guys can try and settle things. You're always welcome to open an unban request in the case that he isn't interested in settling it.

    On topic, I don't see anything here that proves any rules were broken but I do like seeing you expressing your dissatisfaction. It gives me a "heads up" at the very least. In which case I'll look into this a little further if this continues, perhaps on an alternate account.

    I'll leave this thread "open" as well in case you have something you'd like to add.

    Have a great day,
  13. Rollie

    Rollie Devine Member Gold VIP

    Jun 14, 2014
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