Guide What is the best strategy for flood?

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by Natty2708, Feb 3, 2016.

  1. Natty2708

    Natty2708 Member Bronze VIP

    Jan 23, 2016
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    Answer: I believe the best strategy for flood is to create a team of the max amount of players possible and all make separate boats and a back up boat. This allows 5 boats (if max players is 4 in a team) as backup to your original separate boat!

    What is your strategy to flood?
  2. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Multiple boats is a great way to do things but honestly I do quite well solo using a similar method. Everytime I've built a large boat, it gets destroyed easily. But majority of the time I make two boats i tend to last much longer and win more. also be sure to use your explosives against the biggest threat.
  3. Natty2708

    Natty2708 Member Bronze VIP

    Jan 23, 2016
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    I agree but still prefer the team base as this allows more team which means less enemies
    to deal with.
  4. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    This also means less damage that you can deal out. Damage > Survival any day of the week.
  5. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    Yeah, I'd rather weld two vending machine doors together get 5k and lose, then create giant fortress lose 1k and win.
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  6. JJJackier

    JJJackier Member

    Feb 24, 2016
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    1. Team up with competent people.

    2. If you're in a team, make several boats. Or a big boat with small backup boats.

    3. Create boats by the corners of the map, easier to defend.

    4. If you're in a team, assign them to different jobs. For example: Player1 extinguishes any fire. Player2 repairs the boat if everyone else is shooting, etc.

    5. If there's only a small amount of boats left, shoot the ones that are being attacked and look away from them when they spot you. For example if there's 3 boats left including you. Boat1 will be shooting at Boat2 (hopefully) You, Boat3, will also shoot at Boat2. When Boat2 looks at you, ASAP you need to turn around. If they didn't spot you shooting them, they will go back to shooting Boat1.
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  7. Meme Supreme

    Meme Supreme Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Dear Natty,
    I can give these 4 recommendations for Strategies/being better at flood.

    1. Make teams. These are extremely valuable, as teams solve many issues. You get double the firepower, double the building rate, and many more benefits.

    2. Be smart about what you spend money on. I found that simple boats often made me the most money, and usually do not affect my chances of winning a game if i have a good and competent team. Along with this idea, save up for these ideal guns first: AWP/SVU, M249, AK-47, and later focus on the bigger damage dealing items like the bazooka. Do not buy guns such as the Desert eagle. they are expensive and hard to control.

    Now for the Strategy:

    3. Try to get into rooms 5 or 6. Being in a corner directs focus from you to other people more aligned in the middle of the map.

    4. Boats: these are hard. Everyone has their own boat building strategy or system that works for them, but ask yourself these questions as you build a boat: Are you trying to get money, or trying to win? how many people are on your team? do you have harpoons/boat Motors that will bring you closer to the action?

    These are a few of the many things to consider. My best advice I've given is just to learn from experience and craft a boat in line to how you play and what guns you use.

    Good Luck!