Flood Application Mishap

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ✪Red Power Ranger, Mar 17, 2015.

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  1. ✪Red Power Ranger

    ✪Red Power Ranger Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    So i have recently been denied from becoming a moderator on the devinity servers but when I looked at the response I was not very happy. There was no sense of constructive criticism, plus the same response has been posted on many other applications. I just think this is Lazy. You have given no valid reason for doing so also. Now I am fine with being denied but you can't do this. This is just lazy and really not helpful to the community that have been denied. Including the fact of my application for being up near, maybe over a month and just getting that short of a response, that is just not right. Like I have said before I have no problems with you denying me or anyone for that matter but please do give a reason next time. This is just a poor act.


    Red Power Ranger - James Wilkins
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  2. CookieMS™♥

    CookieMS™♥ Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    I agree 100%, I used to be a moderator on this server, and when I got accepted there was constructive criticism, even though i got accepted. However, my point and James's point is; why did it take 1 month for such a shitty response. Yeah, it was a shit response, and I'd rather wait longer for a constructive response then wait 1 month for a response that has been copied and pasted for other people to get denied.

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  3. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    We as a team have been working on and pushing others to talk about your application. It may be copy and pasted, but we worked AS A TEAM to decide who got accepted or denied. The copy and paste just helps us out to not type the same message over and over. Do you know how many applicants we had that applied that weren't active, a bit too young or immature, people we thought weren't fit for the job, we didn't know them, or plainly we think you are applying just to have mod? We have discussed and collaborated as a team as the "copy and paste" has previously addressed. We have improved on making a schedule and talking about our opinions of each staff member. The last thing we are fixing is not making an applicant wait a month, which I agree to be outrageous. We apologize for your wait and ask you try to be patient with us, we are still forming and learning how to be a team while new staff are still coming in. We are a great community that works hard, but we are not perfect.

    Personally, I have no idea who you are. And I think as an applicant if you were SERIOUS about the job you would come onto here, get to know the active members, donators, AND staff. No one commented on your staff application because you didn't seem to stand out at all. When you are applying, STAND OUT. It is not our fault that the applicants didn't put as much effort. What you reflect on us, ultimately, reflects what happens to your staff application.
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
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  4. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I have a hunch that you guys feel like you are entitled to a short story on why you were denied. The fact is you don't, no one does. Even our accepted applicants get a copy/paste response on their app. They were accepted because we see a potential in them to be a good mod and possibly an admin one day. You and others were denied simply because, like Alex said, you don't stand out. You have a whopping 6 total posts between the both of you on this forum. We don't want mods who are just kicking, banning, muting, etc,. We want Mods who want to make the community and servers better. We just simply didn't see that in you. Currently applications are closed, we have plenty of mods and admins for our servers at this time. But when they open back up, feel free to apply again.
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  5. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    We deliberately take months to Accept/Deny applicants.
    It helps us sort out the people whom are just applying from those who take a genuine interest in the community, if you're not prepared to wait a few weeks for a reply, don't bother.

    Unfortunately, we actually do our jobs voluntarily, and I feel like I speak on behalf of all staff when I say that I don't think anybody is prepared to write a 250 word essay on ~20 applicants every month. Unfortunately it's simply not worth writing it for everybody whom applies.

    But, I do understand where you're coming from. I've actually applied for staff 4 times during my time at Devinity. However rather than making a Pointless ill-informed groping thread, I actually went to one of our staff and asked.

    "Hey man can you tell me why I was denied?"

    I've had a few people ask me this over my time in administration and I've always been happy to help, because this is the efficient way of doing things, people are free to ask but unfortunately our team doesn't have the willpower or time to do it for everybody, especially seeing as most people never even read it.

    As I guess you've technically asked. Here you go.
    • Lack of Activity on the Forums
    • Lack of Activity on Teamspeak
    • Lack of Ban Requests
    • Lack of support from community members
    • Lack of support from staff
    • Lack of Concise communication skills
    • Below expected activity in-game
    • Showed interest in enforcing rules that are not currently set
    • Good consistent use of Grammar and spelling
    • Held previous moderating positions
    • Sufficient typing speed
    • Advanced answers to questions

    I have taken your advice, and I will now finish my message for denied players with "You are free to PM me if you wish for an analysis of your application."
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
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  6. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I apologize for your experience with our application process. Please keep in mind that our roster consists solely of volunteers, and we're always working to improve the flow within the community. However, it's been mentioned that you're responsible for representing and carrying yourself throughout the process, and I tend to agree with that notion.

    I get the vibe that you think our strongest factor of determination is the application itself, and that isn't true. The explanation for your denial is simply that you've not made any real effort to leave your impression in the community. If you did then you'd surely have been noticed during the month that you opted to sit quietly instead. We cannot be blamed for your misrepresentation of yourself. It's not our fault that you decided to wait for us to draw a conclusion before speaking up.

    In regards to a more detailed response to our applicants; I agree we could be more informative. Though you must understand that the supply of applicants is far greater than our current demand. When we collaborate to draw conclusions we carefully consider the candidate from all angles before determining our final decision. I know it may not be the perfect course of action, so I greatly appreciate your feedback. We will consider your opinion, and I hope our future efforts will reflect that.

    With all that said; I am certainly aware that our process needs refining. Staff Apps have been temporarily closed while we iron our process of elimination. The staff have congregated in a private thread to discuss the matter, and I hope a satisfying conclusion will be reached for the sake of applicants like yourself.

    Thanks for your feedback and support! It will continue to serve as motive for us to improve.
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  7. ✪Red Power Ranger

    ✪Red Power Ranger Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    I know you may all say that, but please do keep in mind I live in a completely different timezone to you all so I have been in contact with those in my timezone. I did talk to AWP quite a bit, I do understand he is a Trial-Moderator but he was the only active member on at my time because he lives in my timezone. I do understand though that this is my fault as I have applied to staff an American server.


    Red Power Ranger - James Wilkins
  8. ✪Red Power Ranger

    ✪Red Power Ranger Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Again, I do have to say you live in a completely different timezone to what I do which I can understand is to why you would not know me but just because I have 6 posts does not mean I go out of the way to try and make the community better. I attempted to make myself known in the community as well as help the other players which you would have obviously not seen because again, timezone is an issue.


    Red Power Ranger - James Wilkins
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  9. CookieMS™♥

    CookieMS™♥ Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Firstly, i am a donator, I am GOLD. Secondly, when I got moderator last year, not one person posted on my app saying +1 or saying that I'm good or bad, I just got straight up response from Jeffreythe00 saying I got accepted and he also gave me some feedback. I understand what ur saying about all the randoms making an application, but I was active till I went for 2 weeks on holiday. Me and James were also very active on the ts...

  10. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    We have staff in nearly all timezone. We all concur on a basis.
    Maybe your app didn't stand out, but @jeffreythe00 felt you stood out in-game? Regardless, I apologize if you took it offensively and I will do my best to prevent it from happening again. Thanks for the feedback and support.

    edit: Thread closed. I feel all constructive feedback we require was provided here.
  11. CookieMS™♥

    CookieMS™♥ Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    I have the the same Timezone has ranger btw
  12. CookieMS™♥

    CookieMS™♥ Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    I appreciate you and your staff actually giving us valid reasons to why they didnt write each response separately. I also appreciate the staff actually responding to me and Red Power Rangers post.
    So overall, i think it was just a big misunderstanding, and hopefully I will get known on the server as I am back from my holidays :)
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  13. ✪Red Power Ranger

    ✪Red Power Ranger Member

    Mar 1, 2015
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    Will do thank you for the feedback to, I am fine with being denied just not exactly happy with the way done so. Thank you again Bayrock


    Red Power Ranger - James Wilkins
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  14. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    If you were aware of the time zones, you should have atleast friended us and talked to us . Or messaged us here.
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