This thread is for those who are interested in physics and thus, the physical side of this world. Though, if you are wondering, "What the heck are you talking about?" and want to know, then we could maybe explore it together So, we live in this world without really caring much about how everything functions, rather we just adapt to it. However, there are those who go into these details about this world and consequently, came up with these "theories". Yet, none of these theories is proven correct nor incorrect due to our lack of understanding of the world. So, let's talk about some of these theories. If you have a theory about this world, then don't resist! Just post them down below! Just remember, no theory is incorrect. Here is one of the theories that I am currently interested in. I'm pretty sure you have heard of the idea "Parallel universes". Well, this theory is somewhat in par up to this idea. It states that we are most likely, currently living in a simulation. A simulation just like the virtual reality machines we are developing right now, except more advanced. I can get a grasp on this idea, and it's very interesting.
The theory that I am personally most interested in is the Elon's Musk's theory, that we're living in simulation, he makes great points about it too. Spoiler
I don't necessarily believe this theory as it's depicted, but I think it holds a lot of merit. The idea that us human's understand everything about the world we're living in is far from true. The universe is expanding infinitely just as the virtual worlds we've created would.
This "theory" was mentioned multiple times by difirent people and they all have sorta "vague" or mixed answers, because this teory dosen't have any proof, details, things, numerology (its a thing in "theorys" now a days" and numbers that are connected to that theory... Like, its not like something groundbreaking or interesting, unless you have something to back that up. If Ill say that "Infinity is finite" and call that a theory - its not a theory then. Just an uncommon idea. Work of fiction or imagination. But if I'll say something like "Infinity is finite BECAUSE there is no possible way to write infinite amount of numbers on Earth, Solar System, galaxy, galaxy cluster, systems of galaxy clusters, and thus its finite" - or something like that - then you can call it a theory. In other words - can you ask something fresh, please?
I like the thought that each star in the night sky is a blazing ball of gas equivalent to our sun. In theory it may harness a solar system equivalent to ours too, and thus a planet greater than or equivalent to our Earth. I wonder what intelligent life forms inhabit those planets, and if they're staring back at the night sky too.. wondering the same.
Proving the "living in a simulation" theory could be possible, it would just take a very long time to do so - we would have to create a simulation and that simulation would have to create it's own simulation.
Multiverse theories really interest me. Generally overall any theory relating to our universe will almost always get my attention. How big is it, how did it begin, will it end? All of these are question that we probably will never have the answers to.
I mostly like my theory of "Infinity is finite", with buncha dung of an ideas and explanations behind them. Like, for example, the Mobius Ring. Yes, if an ant will move on one side of the ring without turinng or stopping - he'll walk without stpping, since there is no stoping point. But from geometrical (and mathematic) perspective - And started on the point A, and its gonna go and go, until he passes point A again and again. You can't name that "infinite", since you've passed the starting point, thus making a loop. And loop, as a simple explanation, is a line with two ends, which are connected to one another. No matter, how the "loop" looks, and what shape it has - You will always reach the starting point over and over again. And thus - its a loop, with a start and finish. Nothing infinite in it. Logicly, you would need to create something that (in geometry) people know as "beam" - which is a straight line with a starting point, but no end point. To simplify this, in mathematics they use the "beam" to explain something immesurably long, or (of course) infinite. BUT even if someone will try to make such "Beam" on a piece of paper, and try to draw it as long as possible, without interupting it - they are gonna stop at some point and claim "This is a beam, which is yadda-yadda, hur-dur infinite". First... How can you claim that something has no end if you just finished drawing your "beam"? It has an end! You've created an end to your beam by just lifting a pen\pencil! You can literaly point the end of every beam you see, according by that logic. Second: Even if you claim that: "its so infinetly long we can't see the end"... Even if we dont "see" the end, as you point out - the end of that "beam" EXISTS. We dont see it, or cant mark it manualy - but it's there. And same goes to clusters of clusters of clusters of clusters of clusters (and, like, hundreds and hundreds of clusters) of galaxies. You could travel at immesurable speeds and reach the point where you see... nothing. But how you can explain if there is just a blank space in the void, or you're just not moving at all. Maybe you're stuck at the invisible void, that has absolutely nothing in it, and this "nothing" not pushes or pulls you. Its like, just to describe it, being in a calm waters of the ocean, where there's no wind, current or sun. You're on the boad, stuck in complete "nothing" of a world. Kinda like in the vacuum. So, if you reach the point of that Vacuum - you're not gonna go further into the cosmos. Its the end point. So yea... Memes! Nigel Le Grass Tyson ain't got shit on this!
This sounds familiar to calling something random and chance. We call something chance when we can't factor in everything to figure out what will happen. For instance, for a coin toss. We usually say that there is a 50 50 chance for it to go heads or tails. But in reality, if we factor in everything (How much force you have exerted onto the coin, air resistance, wind, weight of the coin, etc) there's no "chance". Chance is defined as an event that occurs without an apparent cause, however, there's no such thing in this world that occurs by "accident". These events occur as a result of a combination of preceding events. However, this chain is so complex that we just happen to call it "chance". The same factor goes into randomness. We, humans, are very bad at creating and detecting randomness, which is practically why we call nearly everything random. If I were to put in another example: Rolling a dice. In our eyes, that's completely random. We can't really solve what the outcome will be. But in this universe, there is always a cause and effect, a past that dictates the future. In this case, the dice is governed by mathematical laws, and if we knew the exact contours of the desk and the force applied on the dice, we would be able to calculate, which side will come to rest facing upwards.
>believing in determinism when quantum mechanics exists Yes maybe if you know enough data you'll be able to model something macroscopic like a coin toss with a lot of accuracy. But you can't model everything, you cant predict how atoms will interact, you cant predict radioactive decay, you can't model the weather with 100% accuracy. Yes if you have a very good model of how a dice will roll or a coin will flip you'll be able to correctly predict it if you know the conditions of the roll or the flip, but very very very very very rarely it'll come down to some quantum phenomena as a tie breaker and you'll get it wrong.
Yeah, I guess There is a difference between Pseudorandom and absolute uncertainty. Also, where's Morty? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You used 'pseudorandom' in completely the wrong way, all of the things I listed are truly random events. Pseudorandom is stuff that has been generated according to a set of rules that appears random in nature but will always predict the same outcome given the same input. Eg. Consider F(x) and G(x), F is pseudorandom and G is random. F(15832358) outputs 197561638563287568208596 looks pretty random right? we try it again F(15832358) outputs 197561638563287568208596 oh its not actually random its the same thing G(15832358) outputs 197561638563287568208596 looks pretty random right? we try it again G(15832358) outputs 64657602200200046519296 oh its actually random
Nothing in reality can be pseudorandom, if you model it well enough it might appear pseudorandom but you cant model anything perfectly. Describe all the variables you think you'd need to know perfectly to model the flip of a coin and I'll tell you why you cant know one of those variables perfectly.
Hmmm, well: The vectors on the coin (factors that affect air resistance: humidity (if gaseous) or density, the weight and size of the coin, force exerted on the coin (Both direction and power)), angular momentum (angular velocity, inertia, etc), Force of Gravity, then there are indirect factors such as at which height it is caught and etc Are you saying it is random because these factors involve nature?
Yes I'm saying everything is random to a degree, your post made it out that you think everything is deterministic? How do you think you could model air resistance perfectly? Sure the variables associated with the air effect air resistance, but how could you theoretically model the air resistance perfectly? You'd need to know both the position and momentum of every air molecule.