Ban Request Against Brobama Target Name: Brobama Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:49296656 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: Bernarde Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: around 7:00 PM Central time (US & Canada) Server: Devinity Flood US #1 What rules the target broke: 01. No minging or sabotage. (Do not mess with another player"s props without permission) 02. Do not prop-push or prop climb. (Flinging props around aimlessly; using prop/s to launch yourself up to a higher spot) Briefly explain what happened: After refusing to truce with them (no evidence of this but I do have evidence of prop pushing) they decided to build near me and that's when I knew to start recording. They prop pushed me, though one of them did not. (I did not report this individual.) Screenshot evidence: none, just a video Video evidence:!AMJ0XQQC!oyP5WZzTDhY2zEBSE4vxv6-tyzQ91wrM2UmVtyzjmFc Other evidence: Imstealthy was also involed (STEAM_0:0:49692499)