Ban Request against Cafe

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Bender, Oct 23, 2015.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against Cafe

    Target Name:
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    [73rd] Sonny - Monk
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    2015-10-23 16:49:15 UTC
    Devinity Flood EU #2
    What rules the target broke:
    14. Do not attempt to crash or harm the server by any means.
    16. No invisible boats. (Transparent boats must not be less than 50% transparent)
    19. Do not abuse your votekick/voteban

    Briefly explain what happened:
    Not sure if the other one went through, used invisible boat (no proof), then made a lag machine which I only got part of it in as it was mostly destroyed and then they started to offer money to kick me.

    Screenshot evidence:

    Video evidence:

    Other evidence:
  2. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Thanks for the report Monk.

    This user was very clearly abusing his VIP commands, that boat serves no purpose other than sharking, and he very clearly randomly votekicked without a reason.

    I've issued a ban on this player. Keep protecting our servers!
  3. cafe

    cafe Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Nice power hungry ban dude. I remember when I recommended you for JR mod.

    Its not sharking , and that wasn't even the whole boat. He "happened" to catch a picture of the boat after most of it had been destroyed. It was working fine until the round started then it got wreaked, I went back to my buddy's boat (( Slasher PD)) and we went on with the match.

    This fricken kid kept spamming my name about some crap that I didn't even do. First he wanted money from me, I said no. Then he wanted to keep spamming my name in chat saying my boat material wasn't the right color. It was the solid white color the can be found in the materials tap, SC -DEHX can confirm everything I am telling you. This dudes a trolls and you didn't even do your research or once come find me to get my side of the story. Nice. He could have Photoshopped all that and now I am serving time for a ban?

    No I would like bayrock to comment since [73rd] Sonny - Monk is your friend and your clearly over stepping your bounds by taking his side and making a unfair judgement call. I would like the owner to make a comment on this, and also review your status as a admin. Since clearly you can't handle the job. I am already talking to bay-rock and showing him VIDEO proof of this kids trolling and repeatedly saying his admin "" buddy" is going to ban me.

    Happens to be you. Nice, Oh and awesome power hungry 5 day ban. Clearly YOU do not belong in that position. Makes me sick to think I ever put in a positive feed back for your admin app.
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  4. cafe

    cafe Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Rick looked over a ban request, and without first doing his job as a staff member, member of the community and high ranked admin. Unfairly and swiftly banned me.

    I would like to first say I would like no other admins to comment. You all have been here for maybe all of five seconds. I've been with this community and group since its birth and no one besides bayrock or jeff or donkey have given more than me. I've given hundreds of dollars and helped buy betters servers when it was just donkey jeff and bayrock that played. So you can take it however you want, but I payed my dues and put in my time. And just because I'm in the marines and go on deployment and you new guys step up doesn't mean I wasn't here first. So stay out of it.

    I want the old school team that was here when I first got here. When the server had 4 fucking members, when I donated 150$ just so everyone on the server that day would get 25k. Thats fucking salt. And some piss ant admin is going to ban me because he has fucking friend who was getting owned repeatedly and spamming me. Did I report him? No I told him to stop as well as other members online. Then I moved to vote kick him. Clearly shit has changed since I was last around. But I didn't come back from some shit hole sand box to have fun and play with the good times with some old friends to get banned by some power hungry douche that is playing favorites. Bayrock we have been friends for a long time. I am telling you as a friend. Remove rick from power. And ban him twice as long as his banned me. That if anything should teach him that theres a system to banning a person and not flying off the handle like a fucking power hungry douche bag.
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  5. Ethan

    Ethan Emo

    Jul 11, 2015
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    Can this thread be locked?
  6. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    First off, doesn't matter what you've done, where you've been, how much time or money you've put into the community, no one gets special treatment when they break the rules. Second, You can't tell us not to comment on your ban request, especially me since I'm the one in charge of bans (Hence Ban Overlord). Third, Rick isn't buddy buddy with Sonny. I looked at the evidence provided and I agree with Ricks decision. The problem you have is that things have changed since you were here. Rules are a little more strict and we have a system we go by to ensure things go by smoothly. If you disagree with your ban, you can make an unban request and provide evidence that would prove your innocence or simply give a genuine apology. If that is the case then we will gladly unban you. However going on a rant saying that you should basically get special treatment isn't the way to go about it. Calling on Bayrock was pretty low in my opinion, basically the equivilent of a rich kid trying to get a police officer fired after he was caught breaking the law and just saying he would tell his dad. I don't know you, so I have no bias to go on. So if you want unbanned, wait it out or make a ban request like everyone else. Thread closed.
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  7. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Jesus Christ chill the fuck out.

    I'd like to say thanks for recommending me! You can tell that your word on whether or not somebody becomes staff means a lot, especially given that you got so far in the application stages yourself.

    Yeah man that rick guy, he's so oppressive and he hands out bans all the time because he's so power hungry. Ask anybody dude, you can't do anything without getting a perma around here thanks to that cunty admin.

    I'd like to first point out that you're being absolutely unreasonable and childish by attempting to call me out as a bad admin for banning you. I have absolutely nothing to do with either you or "Sonny", I have absolutely no idea who he is and you making random accusations about us being friends out of absolutely nowhere makes you come across in very much the wrong way.

    Your boat at this time is sharking, regardless of if you built it for that reason. You should not have thrusters powering it in circles if you are not using it.

    I did not ban you for using any material tool as there was no evidence provided.

    There is absolutely no policy of "Seeking people out to find their side of the story", if we did that we'd barely get through a ban appeal a week, let alone the countless that we get a day. If you wished to give your side of the story you could've very easily posted it in the thread when you were reading it before I gave a decision on a ban. (Rather than for some strange reason waiting until I had given a decision?).

    All of the admins and moderators are more than fit to look over the ban, regardless of 'how much you put in' and 'if you've been in the marines' the evidence provided clearly shows you not conduction yourself properly, I've banned you as I would've any other player.

    I'd like for you to stop speaking to and about me in such a disrespectful manner, that is not tolerated around here, if you have a genuine issue with my moderation/administrative practices you are more than free to PM an admin+ about it, you should also make a ban appeal in the correct section if you'd like a reduced/removal of your ban and I will look over it, try to be nice there.

    Couldn't agree more with the rich kid terminology Decap said, please appeal like everybody else, the world doesn't revolve around you, this is just as I would've treated everybody else, correctly.
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