Ban Request Against Lharzor, Vulgrim, ZealoT, Deo_Rex Target 1: Lharzor (STEAM_0:0:70936515)Target 2: Vulgrim (STEAM_0:1:56588069)Target 3: ZealoT (STEAM_0:0:33959794)Target 4: Deo_Rex (STEAM_0:1:124986037) Requester: Spooka (STEAM_0:1:119633975) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: 9:28 PM on Friday, August 4, 2017 (EDT)Server: Devinity Flood US #1What rules the target broke: 4: Avoid intentionally prolonging rounds.6: No trucing under ANY circumstances.Briefly explain what happened: Saw these people creating two teams, in which the names were squirting, and best squirting, and continuing to cross team to kill other players. They continued to do this for many rounds before I made a vote to kick one of them. After the vote got denied, they further teamed. So I am here now to report them. Video evidence:
I have issued STEAM_0:0:70936515, STEAM_0:1:56588069, STEAM_0:0:33959794 and STEAM_0:1:124986037 a day ban. THank you!