Ban Request Against MI MAMÁ ESTÁ PRESA, Manconso™, Windows XP Professional, TheLucas2000, LOH POLLOH Target 1: MI MAMÁ ESTÁ PRESA (STEAM_0:1:76183783) (Forum Profile)Target 2: Manconso™ (STEAM_0:1:58725786)Target 3: Windows XP Professional (STEAM_0:0:154628375)Target 4: TheLucas2000 (STEAM_0:1:79939944) (Forum Profile)Target 5: LOH POLLOH (STEAM_0:0:58160335) Requester: alex98pl (STEAM_0:0:90635811) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: 29/01/2018Server: Devinity Flood US #1What rules the target broke: 3: Do not prolong the round by any means.4: No trucing under ANY circumstances.Briefly explain what happened: They were trucing. Video evidence: