Ban Request Against Mr.Happy Target Name: Mr.Happy Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:46281074 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: The_Eboler Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 2015-05-29 21:08:36 UTC Server: Devinity Flood EU #1 What rules the target broke: 01. No minging or sabotage. (Do not mess with another player"s props without permission) 02. Do not prop-push or prop climb. (Flinging props around aimlessly; using prop/s to launch yourself up to a higher spot) Briefly explain what happened: He minged my boat at the end of the build round, then he returned to his own boat. Screenshot evidence:!107&authkey=!AJRe1P-RLewByF4&ithint=folder%2cjpg i made alot of screenshots, and these were just a few of the incidents Video evidence: Other evidence: aslo was a witness, Dr.Droplul was a witness.
I can confirm. He tried to build little ''prisons'' and trapped people. I tried to proppush him away so he couldn't trap more people. So he started proppushing back and tried to trap me. He also indeed said he was gonna hack me and Eboler's account.
I'll jump on and ban him for 1 day. If he comes back tmrw and does it again, post another and it will be perm.