Ban Request against PogChampignon

Discussion in 'Legacy Reports' started by Bender, Aug 4, 2015.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against PogChampignon

    Target Name:
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    Kate Upton
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    23:30 Israel Time
    Devinity Flood EU #1
    What rules the target broke:
    10. Do not disrespect Devinity administration or your fellow players. (This includes harassment of any kind)
    11. Do not discriminate against other players. (On the basis of religion, sex, race, orientation, ethnicity, age, etc.)

    Briefly explain what happened:
    He started swearing so i decided to vote ban him. when everyone voted he was supposed to be banned but he rejoined.

    Screenshot evidence:
    I have 2 screenshots. Look at the chat.
    Click "Second Image". Its above the screenshot.

    Video evidence:

    Other evidence:
  2. Lonny

    Lonny Guest

    Aug 2, 2015
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    I forgot to note that he was very homophobic.
    He said faggot every 10 seconds.
    sorry for my shit english
  3. PogChamp #KOOKIE

    PogChamp #KOOKIE Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    Well, dat 15 years old child (gmod +18 but np) called their parents to make abusive votekick against flood player, told me from "french tard" and insulting my country, votekicking me by rules 8 (trucing) but i was playing the game with my teammate only. let's learn what about is discrimination, i didnt spoke about religion, sex, orientation and ethnicity; but u are young, i forgive u. already wrong. "Do not disrespect Devinity administration or your fellow players", sure u disrespect me but kicking me for trucing, i didnt do anything. Don't change the thing, garbage : "He started swearing so i decided to vote ban him. when everyone voted he was supposed to be banned but he rejoined. ", i didnt spoke, i was playing before u started abusive votekick for rule 8, it's not ban and u havent right to start this *** *****, i wasnt trucing. U tryed to kick me at rules 8 one more times. now stfu.
    i dont have to spend more time with useless kids who played 2 hours on divinity and payd with their parents money to get abusive right
  4. Lonny

    Lonny Guest

    Aug 2, 2015
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    oh rly. you forgive me.
    You said get cancer. faggot. fucking idiot.
    trust me no one wants to get cancer. and saying faggot is homophobic
    that's not normal.
    I thought that the best thing to do is vote ban him.
    And then he left.
    If people want him banned, the will vote yes. he was supposed to be banned already.

    and btw it doens't say that gmod is +18
    and there's no reason the it will be.
    it has no sex content.
    you can even check steam store if you want.
  5. PogChamp #KOOKIE

    PogChamp #KOOKIE Member

    Jul 31, 2015
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    well he votekicked me for fun with rules 8, i was playing with kot, my teammate, his friend made f3 for fun and i get kicked, when i came back he votekicked me again for rules 8, i dont get kicked second times and i told him to get cancer and from "faggot", i shouldnt do it if he dont votekicked me without raison, now stfu, it's u who must get banned, u abuse from votekick
  6. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I can't make any sense of this at all. @Rick what do you think.
  7. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Thanks for the report Kate Upton, I've issued a short ban on the player because of their behavior.

    Pogchamp if you have any evidence of Kate Upton flaming ect. you are free to make a ban request, however try to fix your attitude a bit and make sure you provide hard evidence (We can't simply take your word on things, and excuses such as "They started it" or "They did it too" will not be accepted).
    • Agree Agree x 1
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