Ban Request Against Wife Beater Target 1: Wife Beater (STEAM_0:0:151624336) Requester: ^5Rashu (STEAM_0:1:80710692) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: 2017-11-04 17:28:24 UTCServer: Devinity Flood EU #2What rules the target broke: 2: Do not Prop Minge. Examples include (but are not limited to) using props for:7: Do not disrespect/irritate/harass the following:8: Do not discriminate against others. This includes but is not limited to:Briefly explain what happened: Runs around with Prop, pushing Boats. He and his Teammate Harassing. Screenshot evidence:
STEAM_0:0:151624336 Is banned for 24 hours for earlier prop minge plus disrespect. Thank you for the request.