Ban Request against [yellow]Kolser

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Bender, Dec 27, 2016.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against [yellow]Kolser

    Target Name:
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    2016-12-27 17:32:41 UTC
    Devinity Flood EU #1
    What rules the target broke:
    18. Do not abuse/spam your voting privileges. (Do not purposely skip the phase to disrupt gameplay; using votekick/ban to boot players because of their nationality/annoyance;etc.)
    Briefly explain what happened:
    I was falsely warned by him twice and then kicked. For propfarming. Everybody backed me up to say I wasn't and then he goes on to say we are just salty. Please do something about this. His spelling and grammar is atrocious and he is very unprofessional. Please resolve this because it seems like there is a shit admin on every server.

    Screenshot evidence:
    You can check the logs to see this, I have no current evidence but it will be in the logs.
    Video evidence:
    You can check the logs to see this, I have no current evidence but it will be in the logs.
    Other evidence:
    You can check the logs to see this, I have no current evidence but it will be in the logs.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. Kolser

    Kolser Cheeki Breeki Silver VIP

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Gg. First time I warned you it was a misstype due to the fact that I was using !warn and there was a guy with a similar name. Yeah I apologised for that and you said it's okay like a nice guy. Next time, I saw you propfarming with the other 2 guys I warned before (for prop farming as well) and warned once again. You then started to argue with me and ask "Why am I keep getting warned??" And because I did not remember warning you before, I said "Oh sorry, I thought I warned you before" and instead of the second warn I decided to kick you due to the recidive (just to note, I kicked you during the Building Phase). You friends then started being salty and talking about admin abusing. Yeah I then realised that you were a guy I false-warned before and apologised once again. After that, because I am so unprofessional, I started to answer nicely, with a good grammar and spelling skills on all the shittalk coming from your side.
    Shit admin on every server? Try and work on your behaviour first.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2016
    • Like Like x 1
  3. frogéé

    frogéé Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    Everyone who backed you were your biased friends. Simply follow the rules or get banned.
  4. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    No evidence = no case
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