Ban Request Against MYBOATJENNY Target 1: MYBOATJENNY (STEAM_0:1:202577399) Requester: Lyon (STEAM_0:1:82244120) Event Date and Time: 2017-09-18 00:20:08 UTCServer: Devinity Flood EU #1What rules the target broke: 9: Do not exploit and/or encourage the use of any glitches, hacks, or bugs.Briefly explain what happened: he was aimbotting us from across the map Video evidence: Other evidence: ask snivy, penny, or nickynick
Whilst the recording appears to be legitimate, we simply cannot punish this player because of how buggy the spectator view is (un-reliable/precise). On some parts, he was on the attachment menu so he probably attached a sight on his gun but actually made it look like on your view that he didn't equip any attachments and just shot you from afar without any clear vision. I've posted a github issue in hopes of resolving this issue. You're more than free to pitch in if you want to help improve the spectator view and/or provide ideas for our gamemode. Until the issue gets fixed, assume that the players who you suspect is cheating, are actually playing legitimately (hopefully) or pray that anti-cheat will work and confirm & ban actual cheaters.