Just now I was playing on Flood with @Beasty when a Gold Player initiated and vote-kicked a player for prop-pushing, I don't believe that VIPs should be allowed to votekick or ban people when staff is online because staff can easily deal with the issue, the player was just immediately vote-kicked and never warned. They also kicked the player for proppushing when we had 1-2 minutes left on the BATTLE phase of flood. I do believe it can help the rule-breaker maybe think twice instead of just immediately vote-kicking them.
I think they should be because what if I wasnt out in the middle courtyard and didnt see anything? What if the Gold VIP only saw it? However, I do get your concern that you would like them to not use it if you CAN. Just tell them that in the server-- but if they paid for it and they use it properly, then I dont see a problem. In this case-- the GOLD VIP abused their powers and as a staff you can just tell Bayrock/Donkie and we can either talk/take away the VIP powers.
Maybe we could make it so staff can stop a voteban that is in-progress? Like if staff doesn't agree with it they could just stop the voteban and talk to the gold vip.
If someone is abusing the Vote system while a staff is in-game, can't the staff just confront them? Punishing the player for further violation would resolve any conflicts.
I think Junior Mods should be able to postpone votes because one kept on skipping phase/told to stop and everyone voted F3 whilst ~3-4 minutes left into the build phase
So you think your opinion should override the majority of the server simply because of your authority?
No I'm just saying it gets repetitive that the player keeps on skipping the phase/postponing numerous amounts of time even when warned.
I believe if the staff member knows a voteban is wrong, they should be able to stop it, the staff should know the rules better than the server. If it's a wrongful voteban, a staff can turn it off and stop it from occurring.
My main problem here wasn't too much that people abused it but the fact that people pass votes so quickly when they don't even know what went on. 13 people voted yes on a votekick that probably 90% of them didn't witness. I just think we should be able to deny a vote if the issue can be easily handled with a warning or if someone tries to skip the phase 5 seconds into the build phase. (Which I don't even know why exists. )