Hey guys! As some of you know I've been a part of Devinity since near the beginning. Someone recently called me out for "exploiting". To which I replied "It's just skill as I have over 200 DAYS of total playtime". He didn't believe me so I went looking for some old screenshots of my playtime when I had 100+ days. Anyway this led me to look at some really old screenshots I took several years back and why I took them. So allow me to share some of them with you. Here are the VERY FIRST screenshots I took on Devinity! I took them because a player named "apple jax" decided to prop block every room. He was later banned for modding his fiveseven. These specific screenshots are actually taken a week before I decided I even wanted to be a part of Devinity. At this time it was just a cool gamemode to me and I didn't care about it much really. Spoiler This screenshot was taken about a week after I first joined the server. The specific screenshot was taken so I could share with Bayrock how well I had been doing that day. Player damage was additive based on session time. I don't remember the exact amount of time I spent but it was roughly 10 hours or more without leaving the server. You can clearly see I am Silver. I donated because staff was non existent and I wanted to be able to get votekick. I also wanted thrusters and all of the other cool tools. At this time there was also VIP exclusive skins too. Spoiler At this point in Devinitys time, there was a lot of bugs. Here you can see I took a snapshot of one of them to share with Bayrock. I didn't know Donkie at this point in time and I'm not sure his relationship with Bayrock at this point in time he may have not even been a part of Devinity yet. Not sure. Spoiler The first time I have ever seen Bayrock play on his own server. You can see he actually used more props than two vending machines! Spoiler Another long session Spoiler This guy was trying to go to the moon! I think he was doing it wrong. What do you guys think? You can clearly see I donated for gold. This was like a week and a half after I first joined. Maybe two. I think at this point in time I was essentially Staff but I didn't want it because people were already hating on me for being "pay to win". I didn't want to be an admin abuser too. So I had asked Bayrock for special perms. I had ULX Kick and Ban and permission to use it if necessary. Spoiler Even way back Bayrock was breaking things. If I remember correctly this error was a result of him forgetting a decimal point while modifying prop values? Could be from modifying prices I don't remember 100%. Anyway he either forgot to add a decimal or accidentally added one. Which resulted in this error. Spoiler AWP got a scope today. For those who weren't around. The AWP originally didn't have a scope. Spoiler As mentioned before, Devinity had TONS of issues. One of those problems was people would randomly lose their VIP ranks. Here I'm explaining that mine wasn't working. They were manually given out at this time. So if you lost it, you needed to wait until Bayrock got on to give it back. This was a HUGE issue and another reason I wanted to join. I hated seeing people not have their VIP for 12+ hours. Spoiler You can see in this screenshot that Devinity is in BETA and running version 1.32. Again, issues with ranks. Spoiler Cannons were a nightmare. I won't even go there but we had a lot of issues with only certain people being able to use them. You can also see that I mentioned "only admins can use cannons". At this point I was still gold but Bayrock added me to the admin group for testing purpouses. Spoiler Unruly players. I think I took thi to show Bayrock just how important staff are and how much we needed them. Spoiler I don't remember why I took this screenshot but you can see I used to have a lot of cash. Spoiler Alright guys. I think this is the last of the photos I'm going to share! I hope you all enjoyed it! Heres a picture of me breaking a million! Spoiler Thanks to all for making Devinity what it is today! You're all awesome!
Oh Jeff. You must remember boats being propelled all over the map with thrusters. Bayrock thought it was funny. Only reason I donated to the server xd! ALSO THE FUCKING LOG BOATS SHOULD DRINK BLEACH.
Lol I do remember. It was hilariously funny! I just couldn't let it happen. haha yeah the log boats were the worst.