Snowman Decoration:As you may know,christmas is not christmas without a snowman,that's why we have a snowman right here!,can be used to decorate the spawn area to more christmasy and warm!. Christmas Tree:No household can really seem entirely festive at Christmastime without a beautifully decorated tree,you choose whichever type that you like,the whole family decorate it as a mark of the true start of the festive season,devinity is a whole big family which means we will all decorate this tree,can be used to decorate spawn and rooms,Here multiple types below: Christmas Gifts:Giving gifts at christmas is a good way to communicate with the family,every family has there own reasons for giving gifts,it's making the christmas holiday to more fun and exciting,can be used to decorate map or as a prop,as a prop it will have 50 hp each and limit of spawning is 4,floating very good and the cost is around 70. Christmas Stocking:Oh The christmas stocking,what kids have been waiting for the whole year,when they wake up in the morning theres candy inside of it,would be a perfect idea to decorate our map. Festive Arms:Festive arms will make the people in the server feel the christmas atmosphire alot more,replace it with the current 3d hands. Raindeers:The animals santa uses to fly and drop presents to kids,can be used as a prop or map decoration,if it's a prop so health 30 hp limit 2 floating average and cost is 50. Candycane:Candy cane is the most favorite candy in christmas,kids are loving it,can be used as a weapon or spawn decoration,almost same as the crowbar,deals 5 damage and its perm during christmas,when you throw it so christmas sparkle sound is playing or christmas particles are coming out and the cost is 1500. Holy:Holy is a leaf and red button which used to decorate the house to christmas. Santa's sleigh:This is Santa's sleigh which he uses to fly in the sky and drop presents,can be used as a prop,as a prop it can have 400 hp float is good and cost is 600. Christmas Miku:In our servers miku is staring and i bet peoples would definetly love the christmas miku,cost can be 400 tokens or able to earn from drops. Christmas Tree Hat:This is the christmas tree hat as you may remember from tf2,comes with lights and it can be a very good cosmetic,can be cost up to 60 tokens or able to get from drops. Christmas Snow Swep:This is a swep where you can throw snowballs at players and will deal no damage,can be used as a building phase swep or as a weapon that deals 10 hp per ball with 6 ammo per round and the cost can be 2000. Christmas Grenades:Right now we have the sticky bomb and the He Grenade,this can be used as a normal grenade,same damage but other skin,when explodes christmas particles are coming out. Christmas Lights:How can christmas will be able to callen christmas without those lights,its a must decoration in christmas,can be used as a spawn decoration as a weapon or as a prop, as a weapon it can deal 20 damage and will open fire on a boat, with cost of 3000 with only 3 ammo per round,as a prop it can be 40 hp floating is very good and cost is 70,limit are 4,can be used to float heavy props. Wooden Sled:The sled is used to go down a snowy hills and it's alot of fun, can be used as a prop with 300 hp cost of 500 limit is 1 and floating is very good. Heres A Christmas Pack with alot of goodies: LAST BUT NOT LEAST MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!
Most of these are already planned to be implemented. But i like the majority of these. But yer pretty much standard decorations we had in mind. But gj anyways
In my hometown it never snows. Does that meen I never experienced Christmas during my childhood? D: Noice suggerstions man!