My Name is $Mike$ Some People Know Me and some people are friends with me on steam I hope we can get along I am level 79 At the time of this post I have close to 2 days spent on this community I first played on this server 2017/03/21 But I never got into the server until now I Just started Playing A lot On Tuesday The 22 of November I hope we can get along this is my introduction $Mike$ Also I'm not a female lmao I don't know why it put me as female $Mike$ Is out
Hey mike good to see you've joined the forums! I saw you a little bit in-game, very little bit lmao. It's nice to see you getting into the community as a whole!
Hello there Mike, Im Orange, the best damn fruit youll ever meet.. I hope you will enjoy your time with us
Hai Mike, im Rashu the First and Only German Moderator Currently. I played with you so remember me >:c