As the title suggests, it seems odd to me to pay 20$ to get 1 desired model, I mean it's a nice way to help support the server but I think it should be aplied to guns, instead of models since they're more desired, and likely to be purchased more often. At least make it so it's more expensive (the models) if you don't have the rank? Maybe make it more worth to buy these ranks? Anything at this point, really...
For $20, you get a lot of new features, in addition to access to new skins - Tokens are purchased for in-game currency 1 token 2000$
I'm well aware of conversion of tokens from in-game currency The point was that it feels like the value for money is not great. Maybe if there were more models and such.
If you want to see more new skins on the server, you can offer your options on the discord server. It is very difficult to find really good skins. - Silver vip gives access to the Thrusters, which greatly affects the balance in the right hands. After all, a quick rapprochement with the enemy allows you to realize literally all your weapons. If the community had provided more opportunities for this privilege, I'm afraid the balance would have been upset.