New Rules

Discussion in 'Garry's Mod: Flood' started by cafe, Jun 8, 2014.

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  1. cafe

    cafe Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    I have a few screen shots and a few problems I'd like to shed light on.

    For one a bunch of props that are strung along in a snake like fashion seems to defeat the purpose of the game itself. When doing this it allows you to move from prop to prop as each one is destroyed however I believe this causes a unfair advantaged to new players or players who do not have the maximum amount of weapons available to them. I.E. all weapons unlocked. I feel this should be employed into the rules at this point. These are not boats but rather a cheap easy tact to clean up on players with lesser weapons and defeats the purpose of this game mode itself. The point of this game is to have fun not run around and clean house on new players.

    Pictures below ---------------------------------------VVVVVV---------------------

    This last picture is of Dawson standing on a boat motor that has 500HP the fact is that it can float on its own for 500HP is no different than say a beer bottle crate and two snow men heads welded together.

    My point with this post is that "snake boats" and stand alone "boat motors" with a few snow men bodies welded to it should not be allowed on the server. In some way shape or forum the sever needs to have rules against these "boats" being made if you can even call them that. they defeat game play and cause a UN-fair advantage to those whom make them.

    Thank you for the read.
  2. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    The boat motors, for one thing, are not buoyant by themselves. Their mass must be supported by at least two buoyant props that are hefty enough (such as snowmen torsos and dock poles) in a suitable orientation so that equilibrium can be sustained without tipping. Continuous destruction of the props that support a motor's mass can throw off the boat's balance. ...Especially when all of the damage is focused on one side.


    The "sprawls" (for lack of a better term) which I have devised over time are built specifically for durability against explosions. My logic behind the design is based on the fact that boats that are built more compacted are at greater risk of being torn apart in a shorter period of time, be it due to grenade and rocket volleys, or up-close gunfire. By implementing a catwalk design, this issue can be circumvented. However as with all boats, the sprawls' designs have flaws of their own:

    1) The boats are prone to being split into fragments, making it more difficult for people to move about without plunging into the water.

    2) Being able to extinguish fires that are wide spread is more difficult.

    3) Attacks made on props that are positioned a ways behind players' backs may not be noticed until it is too late.

    4) They stick out like a sore thumb, and run the risk of being prioritized for an attack on account of their scale.

    In situations where grenades and rocket launchers are not being used at all during a match, destroying boats will definitely take longer to do - regardless of placement. Granted, though, the size of a prop can have implications on one's accuracy and precision. But of course, the more health that a boat has collectively, the better are its chances of putting up a fight and making it out in some piece. Outcomes are always debatable, though.

    Needless to say, I am sorry to see the amount of issues that have been brought forth out of my interests to innovate and come up with new ideas for builds. It has never been my intention to degrade the gameplay quality of the servers. For thinking outside of the box, though, I feel I have been setting myself up for scrutiny and hostility. I will be more than cooperative to cease and desist from anything that runs the slightest risk of being out of the ordinary.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2014
  3. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I do see your concern with creating 'snake' boats however it's my belief that with our existing individual prop limits it would be hard to further prevent the boats from being created without devising a rule around this issue. If enough players agree that this is a problem and that a rule should be made against creating 'snake' boats then I'd be glad to consider that.

    With that being said I'd like to hear more opinions on this topic.
  4. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    I disagree, whilst it does give players a slight advantage, the same goes in the opposite direction, players should be free to create boats that are creative, so long as they don't break any actual rules.
    I understand that you were annoyed with Dawson having this boat yesterday, and I can see why. It did give him a slight advantage when he was attacking you straight on, however overall it was sort of a disadvantage on his part.
    Also you sort of used the 'Unofficial terminology' wrongly, these types of boats are refereed to as 'Ring Boats', a snake boat is usually one that looks something like this:

    I do however agree with you on your point about standing on the motors, whilst it technically doesn't give the player an advantage, it can confuse players, it looks to people at if it is impossible to damage the motor, seeing as there are no 'Hitmarkers' or 'Healthbar' for it. In addition to this, the boat motor can be a tad overpowered in this case, it is a reasonably buoyant (Although not self-sustaining) prop, and has 500 health, making it impractical to target the prop that the player is standing on, unlike in Generic boats.
  5. Bayrock

    Bayrock Founder & Developer Staff Member Founder

    Jun 2, 2014
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    Thanks for your input on this topic, and I'm glad you've brought up some of the advantages and disadvantages when creating these types of boats. I also appreciate that you've taken the time to create the unofficial terminology thread which could clear up some other misunderstandings. I have to agree that while each type of boat has its own advantages there are naturally an equal amount of disadvantages to outweigh them in most circumstances.

    As far as the boat motor goes I will agree that it can be a confusing anomaly in the midst of a Flood match. With that being said I'll cut the health of the boat motor in half to help compensate for the issue.
  6. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    Sounds fine to me. I'm not sure if you would still like me to update my spreadsheet and link, or if everything should be managed with yours. If the latter will suffice, perhaps we could also consider creating a sticky thread for the data in the future. ...But as always, no pressure.
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