Orb of death

Discussion in 'Event Ideas' started by †Zzoppa†, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. †Zzoppa†

    †Zzoppa† Lolist Contributor Silver VIP Bronze VIP

    Sep 17, 2017
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    Zzoppa #1148
    Before the beginning I will say that I have a lot of ideas for events, but something I lazy to spread and write :D
    A very interesting and simple event (no), which consists in luck, and of course not in the curvature, which I called Orb of death.
    The essence of the event:
    There is AR2 orb
    At the beginning of the battle round, 2 such orbs appear in the center of the map, which fly in a random direction. After every 15-30 seconds, another 1 orb appears from the center, and so on until the end of the round.
    These orbs can not fly below the water (that is, they bounce off of it), and above this thing (maybe put a barrier there)
    All orbs are infinite, and when hit on a player, they kill him instantly!
    Also orbs when hit on props, cause 100xp (I think it's fair)
    You can offer something:upside_down_smile:
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  2. Noriaki Cocaine

    Noriaki Cocaine Devine Member

    Jun 22, 2015
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    This event can be fleshed out to include player interaction. After all, an event is not very eventful (get it :owo_hide:) if the players cant do anything about it. The simplest and easiest way to do it is to give every player gravity guns when battle phase starts, allowing them to redirect the ball instead of falling prey to RNG. If this is implemented, it gives players an opportunity to do more damage and be very careful to make sure they don't get hit themselves rather than just taking the hit because they can't do anything about it. Additionally, a new ball should appear every minute; it would become very hectic if the time between them was that short.

    Also, I believe that it shouldn't instantly kill a player and if not lower it, completely get rid of the damage on it and use its natural attribute of knockback. When the ball hits a prop it should knock them away and unweld them as well as doing damage.

    I like the idea.