First off, do not derail this thread. If you're not into politics, fine, don't post in this thread. This is mainly discussion on American politics, however If there is a political discussion you would like to have about your country that is fine as well. Especially if you are using it to compare to what is going on here in America. We had our first Democratic debate last night and boy was it refreshing to see people debate actual issues and not making a mockery of each other like the Republicans did in their debates. Hilary Clinton did well, even though I do not care for her. She did surprise me on her stance on some issues, but the fact still remains that she is bought and paid for by corporations and special interest groups. She got a small boost from Bernie Sanders when the topic was about her email scandal. Sanders said "Enough with the damn emails", which we can all agree has taken it's course and nothing came of it. Let's talk about the three amigos; Webb, Chaffe, and O'Malley. There are pretty much dead in the water at this point. Chaffe pretty much flushed his campaign down the toilet when saying he voted for a controversial bill because his dad died and he didn't read the bill. That's never a good excuse, if you were so distraught then you should not have voted for anything. Webb kept being pushed to the side and he didn't like it. Almost every time he was on the mic, he wasted his time by saying that it's not fair that he isn't getting the same time as the other candidates. Not to mention he said his greatest enemy was a guy he supposedly killed in Vietnam. O'Malley was the strongest of the Three Amigos, but even that doesn't amount to anything compared to Sanders and Clinton. He felt to much like a slimy politician, something I can see straight through. And now onto who I believe to be the winner of the debate, Bernie Sanders. That's not just me though, Every single poll I've looked at states that Sanders won the debate by a landslide. Yet you won't see many news outlets saying this in their articles or on air. Even CNN's live poll had Sanders at 16% to Clintons 42% despite the fact that everywhere you look, Sanders was the clear victor. Sanders didn't step down, he kept up with Clinton and surpassed her in many ways. At the same time he stayed on topic and didn't stoop down to attacking any of the other candidates. In fact he complimented Webb and Clinton on a few occasions. Overall it was a good first debate, especially compared to the Republican debates. Did anyone else watch the debate? Who were you in favor of?
in sweden politics is a clusterfuck we have a racist party in our "chamber" who came there because of lies we have a ruling party (left wing) which everybody knows sucks but still managed to win we lost the best chief of economics this world has seen (managed to make Sweden not die in the economic crisis) all other parties than the racist party calls the racist party out for being racist the racist party denies being racist with retarded arguments racism is everywhere but people try to ignore it and it's taboo talking about it >implying the british queen actually does anything serious politically Sweden has a king but he does jackshit except being the front figure of our country, he's cool af
Mostly joking as I have no clue what the Queen actually does there. But didn't your PM recently have his curtain pulled back about him sticking his dick in a dead pigs mouth or something? @Donkie That sounds very familiar to what's going on here. We have that special guy named Donald Trump that makes all of the Republicans look bad, as if they needed him to point that out though. Most of the Democrats aren't much better but at least they don't seem crazy. The big problem here is money in politics. Most of the Candidates are bought and paid for by the big corporations and special interest groups. Sanders had a very popular opinion about Wall Street. "Congress doesn't regulate Wall Street, Wall Street regulates Congress." The crowd went crazy at that point.
anyone know about the Singapore elections? I think it's more bullshit than what's going on anywhere else (that I know of). the PAP can fuck off
I would of expected you to talk about Putin. I mean he can be cool and all, but it's hard to say he uses his head 90 percent of the time. Like recently he aided The Syria Government against rebels. While America supplied the rebels.
I don't want to talk about him because it will literally degrade this thread; he's a fucking idiot is all I'll say.
Why is everyone bashing on trump? No matter how you look at it-- He makes so much more money than you.. lol I for one, think he is a smart man o.o Dont kill me for my opinion plox.
I'll give him a +1 for standing up for what he wants/not backing down even though everyone thinks he is wrong, but his logic to solving certain problems is completely misguided, and why the hell did you bring up the money card. lol? (i.e, his solutions to illegal immigrants; build a wall to keep them out, when in reality most of them are coming in through Visa's and then staying here illegally, building a wall would do little to nothing.)
I had a discussion with my Step Dad about Trump and it completely changed my opinion of him. I will have to ask him again what he said -- Because I dont remember and I will post on here I actually want to learn a lot about politics. It's really cool to me.
If you can tell me what he said, I would be interested to see his views as opposed to mine and see how we think.
I dislike both Hillary and Donald, and the U.S's overall outlook on politics, they spend ridiculous money on getting elected and your electoral system encourages a two party state, something that should never happen. It's more about money and less about the people.
The main problem started when the Supreme Court decided that donating money from companies and corporations was a good idea, so they deemed it legal. No doubt they were getting money under the table as well in order to pass that. This means corporations can donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to a campaign in exchange for a favor when they are in office. Legal bribery at it's "finest". Hilary has taken millions of dollars in campaign contributions from wealthy businesses and Trump owns one of those businesses.
>listening to a tabloid Also what's everybody's opinion on the voting system in their countries. Our one is absolutely fucked, apart from the voting system here I don't have a huge issue with the politics.