I've had one very vivid out-of-body experience in my lifetime, and the thought of it still fascinates me to this day. After I discovered what the sensation was I started researching lucid dreaming. Despite my best effort I was never able to induce a dream as memorable as the one I experienced before. My point here is that I've controlled my dreams before, and I'd love to have that privilege again someday.
I had some lucid dreams, to bad I wasted them as a child just picturing my school being destroyed by dinosaurs...
More like dreaming of a school shooter bursting into your classroom and you karate chop that boy's ass into the dirt and you save the day and then fuckin touch tongues with the hottest 3rd grader in that room hell yeah
I can already control my dreams. well not as well as I could. now I can only control them if something bad is happening.
I want to control my dreams only because some of them are extremely painful to the point of night terrors! D: I would never want to re-watch them.
control them because then i would be in a zombie apocalypse and be like the best survivor and have mini-guns and like all that and just have a blast murdering zombies also sadly so i can have dreams again i miss them my brain won't let me dream anymore