Right now, we can report 1 player at a time "simply". Reporting multiple users is a bit of a task at the moment. I would like to be able to add multiple users and steamid's when filling out the applications. There is also the issue of uploading files. Right now the !requestban page doesn't handle any evidence the player may have. In my case, I had to use 2 different hosts for my screenshots and demos. Perhaps Devinity can have its own uploader specificly for ban requests. These changes could make reports, orders of magnitude faster and easier. Any average player needs to spend quite a bit of time adding information to the bans page, so I'd think at the very least we should make this as easy as possible for them because they are NOT staff. It is easier for players to leave the server than to handle ban requests. So we should NOT rely on them to use this feature. I for one really hate having to use the bans page because it is so time consuming.
+1, Sounds good, Really good I really recommend adding it, And overwall I am just lazy editing the ban request form so I could report 'multi'-players