Rick & Rollie - Admin Abuse

Discussion in 'Legacy Reports' started by c1yd3i, Dec 30, 2014.

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  1. c1yd3i

    c1yd3i Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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    thread music:

    Steam name:


    Steam ID:
    STEAM_0:0:47628561 and STEAM_0:0:43775057 respectively

    Brief description of rules broken:
    Rick kicked me for no reason then Rollie banned me when I rejoined. After I got banned, my very good friend ~snipped~ was permanently banned just for playing with me. About 10 minutes later my ban was extended by Rick for a week.


    ~ KICK ~

    ~ BAN ~


    Other comments:

    Please do whatever it takes to stop being such a dick to me Rick. You dislike me for something that happened almost a year ago. You need to let go of this grudge, I had no reason not to like you when I came back to Devinity and you've done nothing but treat me like garbage. This ban is very evident of this, you cannot ban people just because of your own selfish desires.
  2. Donkie

    Donkie Founder & Senior Developer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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  3. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I would like to say that his friend "~snipped~" should need to change his name when on our server. We banned someone for having the name "Devinity" just the other day. Not mention I believe it to be breaking rule #12.
  4. Rollie

    Rollie Devine Member Gold VIP

    Jun 14, 2014
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    This player kept calling rick autistic and a piece of shit and such so when I kicked him he continued to become disrespectful to Rick and the community so I gave him a day ban.
  5. c1yd3i

    c1yd3i Member

    Dec 29, 2014
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  6. Rollie

    Rollie Devine Member Gold VIP

    Jun 14, 2014
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    This player does not even know who kicked them, so how can you trust his evidence when in fact me and Rick saw
    I will if you keep talking shit to the staff on TeamSpeak and in game..
  7. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    This drama needs to stop now. Do I make myself clear? Seriously, I don't want to see it on the forums anymore! If you have issues with another player. Take it to steam chat or some other messageing service. Hell, take it into PM just so its not all over the forums and in every thread.

    If I see anyone causing drama or provoking one another on the forums. It will end in a forum warning. So drop it now. This is your warning.

    @c1yd3i I really would have prefered to see screenshots of your chat/console because now I have to scroll through the chat logs in the database. Which is a little more irritating than it sounds.

    @Rick @Rollie @Decap I realize you guys don't like @c1yd3i and thats fine, you're entitled to that. Just please don't allow bias and emotion to cloud your judgement when it comes to administration.

    I'm locking this thread since there's not really sufficient proof of any abuse but, I'll look into it. If I find anything, I'll be sure to have a talk with the people involved.
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  8. Rick

    Rick female nipple Gold VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    Post music


    I'd like to clear some things up, and obviously unlock the box of pent up raw anger and annoyance that I have inside of myself.

    Firstly (This is likely of no importance whatsoever), I would like to voice the fact that me and Rollie were not accomplices in any way, Rollie joined mid-way through these happenings to find the abuse that was being hurled towards me in plain sight. Without even communicating he saw the disrespect and personal attacks being thrown at me before deciding to end it, I don't actually even have Rollie on my steam friendslist and it was to no devising of my own that he arrived at the time that he did. I think I meant to send a PM in game to him at one point but accidentally sent it to 'bird' because I wasn't really on the ball after being told to kill myself several times.

    Next I will look at the "Evidence" that has been provided in an attempt to end this reign of the tyrants Rick and Rollie.

    Everything that you have shown us in legitimate conversations that took place on the server between us (and Rollie), only with large portions clipped and snipped to your preference. I have no legitimate evidence (As with you) to any of this, but here is a genuine account of what happened.

    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: rick how has ur day been
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: what did you do today
    *DEAD* [Staff] Rick: Alright I guess,
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: what did you do
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: rick
    *DEAD* [Staff] Rick: Went shopping with 'The lads', got some lunch
    *DEAD* [Staff] Rick: Came home, played flood and played civ for a while
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: ah yeah
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: i feel you rick
    *DEAD* [Staff] Rick: How about yu bird?
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: i picked up a water pitcher from a store
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: so that i could piss you off all day
    *DEAD* [Bronze] bird: because your autistic

    from memory and is not a direct copy from chat, although choosing to check the logs would prove that this happened

    The second snippit was only of a fraction of a rather more large conversation between us, one too large to practically copy and paste into a thread.

    All of this of course ignores the fact that even if the evidence and order of events are the exact chronicle of what happened with absolutely no information excluded, there is no raw evidence that can be verified absolutely. Nor is this in any way a good or just way of supplying evidence as to substantiate anything at all. You have a conspiracy (An illegitimate one), and absolutely nothing to even manifest doubt in my mind, and I hope anybody else's.

    On the other hand, I admit that I had my doubts when @c1yd3i returned to the community, this was partially because of him convincing many members of the community to leave due to a 'Lack of effort on Bayrock's part', I feel like this can't be criticized at all, especially because of the fact that he had a largely negative effect on the community. But the dominant factor in my distrust for Clyde is his attitude and actions, I won't go into details because this post isn't intended to justify my dislike for somebody based on their attitude, it's here to defend myself (And to an extent Rollie) as I feel that I have done no serious wrongdoing here.

    I try my very hardest to enforce the rules that have been set here at Devinity. I also try to do this in the fairest way possible, but unfortunately after being told to commit suicide by 'The World's Smartest ~snipped~'' several times, I may be "Biased" against a certain person, but I don't feel that the decisions that I made in banning both players . The word Biased by definition means that a judgment is unfair.
    It is not unfair.
    My treatment of you is absolutely fair.
    Your actions will be punished in exactly the same way as everybody else, in fact if somebody else came into the community and did exactly the same things as you WITHOUT me previously knowing who you are, I think I would probably punish you a fair bit more.

    I'm going to be honest, your personal attacks on me aren't that bad, being spammed with "Kill yourself" or general name calling, it's quite easily ignored, but the most provocative thing (And the constitutionary reason for me banning you. Despite me telling you time and time again to stop using Autism in a Deragotory, Disrespectful "Disapproving" way, I'm against judging somebody for anything at all that is out of their control, including autism, a condition that I do not personally have but I regularly talk to a few people that have been diagnosed with different things across the Autism Specrum, they're all great people and deserve just as much respect as the next person.

    I don't know if you get a kick out of running a muck, personally attacking me and creating stories at to supposedly end my imagined tyranical rage of corrupness, and you can carry on, but I'm not going to simply let you accuse me, or Rollie, of things that we have not done, I will not allow you to bend the rules to your liking, and I will call you out when you outwardly lie to the community.

    Your ban will remain the same, but you may appeal in the same way as everybody else.

    @jeffreythe00 I think you should probably do something other than "Just take the abuse elsewhere"

    inb4 "You're autistic kill yourself"​
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
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