- The Airline Crew - Hotpost: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Hotpost/ - Delmare: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Delmare/ - Question: If a player disconnects due to internet issues, can the game be restarted if it's before halfway through the match?
I saw the post on Reddit about the tournament. If you want to be able to have games viewable on twitch I can possible stream them from my computer as long as I am available. It makes tournaments a lot more enjoyable when you are able to watch the competitors play imho. Whether you want my help or not good luck to all those involved competitions are always fun.
Thanks Ezzen, As I said once we get more teams in I will push and get everything set up. Add me on steam and we can talk about getting the stream set up once I have a time/date.
-Now Watch me Whiff http://steamcommunity.com/id/azibuda31 Http://steamcommunity.com/id/beardslammer We are on steam and would like to sign up!
Dirty Nick and the Boys http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198209895203/ (BigPizzle_What) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198065800409 (HolyDarkness) Hit us up on steam we would like to be a part of the 2v2 tourney
Hey! Saw your post on reddit and I'd like to sign a team up. -Team Name: Precision Failure -My PSN: Serantos http://psnprofiles.com/Serantos -Teammates PSN: JuhTuh http://psnprofiles.com/JuhTuh -Sorry if the psnprofiles site isn't what you wanted, but I couldn't seem to find anything similar on playstations actual site. Also, you haven't mentioned when this would be? We would love to participate, just for fun and competition.
That should work, I just need some way to contact you when I set up everything. If that doesn't work, I'll message you on reddit or something. This will probably be later this month on a Saturday around 3pm eastern.
Official Reddit Thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeag...ssteamps4tournament_official_devinity_rocket/