Yeah, I stuck with Rs3. Do you know how much time I put into it before it was rs3? I don't know if I want to do that again. Maybe though. I remember talking with xxphatmagexx when she was the first person to get 99 construction.
They have legacy mode now. Which is the old menu, attack style and everything. You can even use the weapon specials too, like dds. They also give you a massive damage buff. So if you hit 40's before you'll hit 90's now. Everything is super super cheap. Full bandos is like 5m. You can make 5m in a few hours using some money making methods. I have thought about moving to oldshool. I have great luck with barrows and I could probably do barrows in a few months.
as of now, since I just started playing osrs about 2-3 weeks, I am currently f2p, but saving for bonds. (1.5m atm) I have one account for money making and other for pk money making.
Thats the other thing too. I was never really into pking. I'd rather dice or stake or something similar to that. I was just never really good at pking either. I suck at PVM. I should be able to kill arraxor at my lv but I can't because my PVm skills suck. (Gear helps too but I'm not too rich) Edit: I do like to watch pking videos too like dmm seasonal.
pking is hard, but after some time, it gets a little easier. Since I am not rich at all in the game, pking is not that great of an option since I lose a lot.
im just doing low level pk rn, so I can practice without losing much. Once I get better I plan on risking bank.