Please disable the anti-prop farming feature during this round. I just lost so much money because of it.
I thinks its "off" in a way, if a team player's props are alive, making them useful for the currently living team member you can destroy it, if not (if the rule is applyed to this situation) it would be dumb, there is no post-fact prop destruction-disable because they are still on one team making them useful, if not the other live team member could stand on that and would be invincible.......
Currently it doesn't work like that. I buy a boat My teammates don't build a boat. They just use mine. I die early in the round You shoot my props but gain no money for destroying my props because I'm dead EVEN THOUGH my teammates are still alive This is how it currently works and its dumb. Its designed as a deterrentso people don't prop farm. Heres how it SHOULD work. You should still gain cash for destroying my props because I still have living teammates who can still use those props. @Donkie
I made a bug report on this. Anti-prop farm seems to protect individual's props. It doesn't seem to matter on what round event it is. For example: Players A, B, and C are in a team. Player B builds the boat. Player B dies in fight phase. A and C are still alive. Their team boat no longer give anyone damage cash. @Donkie should make the anti-prop farm disabled until the entire team is dead.