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Various Weapon Bugs regarding the AK-12 and Sniper Rifles

Discussion in 'Feedback & Support' started by craZy_y0, Apr 14, 2020.

  1. craZy_y0

    craZy_y0 Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 7, 2016
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    Hi, this has come to my attention very quickly after a couple of hours playing Flood again.

    To begin with, I've been using the AK-12 a lot because of how effective it is regarding accuracy and damage but I found that when you reload, it takes about 2 seconds after the reloading animation has completed to be able to fire again. I suspect this has to do with the model itself because it was likely supposed to be an AK-47 reskin for Counter-Strike: Source, so it the reload would've had to have been the same amount of frames as the default CS:S AK-47 skin. The only solution I can think of is to change the AK-12 model to another or revert to the classic AK-47 like the server used to, sacrificing the optic that's used on the AK-12 at the moment.

    My second bug is that you're unable to unscope rifles while underwater when you desperately need to in order to move around better due to your sensitivity while scoped being significantly lower. This is likely a problem with the TFA base and from what I can recall, support for the base was dropped (unless the support was reinstated some time ago) so it could be that we will have to live with it unless the majority of the SWEPs get ported over to another SWEP base. This bug does especially irritate me when I'm trying to pick off other boat's props while my boat is sinking or starting to lose balance because it makes it really hard to climb back onto your boat without unscoping.

    Sorry if there's not a whole lot of information like screenshots or recordings, I do have these on OBS footage but I haven't had the chance yet to cut all my footage down to points where I'm reloading the AK-12 or attempting to unscope my sniper underwater as my footage is around an hour or so per session. Nonetheless, I hope the bugs are looked into and that there is a solution for them. Thank you for reading :)
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  2. Sotori

    Sotori Flooderator Inc. Staff Member Community Manager Platinum VIP

    Jul 28, 2017
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    I'll try to replicate the bugs in-game and get footage of them the next time I'm on. Thanks for bringing these to light! :)
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  3. Lara

    Lara Active Member Platinum VIP

    May 15, 2017
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    Thanks for addressing the problem!
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