I think that a vote kick feature should be added because if this 1 person is annoying everyone and there is no admin or mod to make him stop nobody can do anything. But if there was a way to vote kick people everyone could vote and if there is a certain number vote of yes than no like 3 then the player would get kicked.
There's a reason this is a VIP feature. It's so easy to abuse it's ridiculous, giving it to regular players would be a horrible idea. It's not uncommon for multiple people to group up against someone because of something completely unreasonable (their voice, how they talk, etc.). It happens a ton on our servers. Giving them votekick would just be an easy to way to make that situation worse. We're already taking a risk by giving it as a VIP feature, and since there's no concrete way to know people are unjustly kicking someone other than getting evidence or actually being there, it's easy to avoid staff and just say "he was prop pushing" if the victim doesn't speak up.
That might be possible, something like 70% of the server agreeing on a votekick. Other than that I'd say it's a no-go though.
Personally i'm up for this idea not that hard to moderate. Make it a 1 week trial, since alot of staff do slack on the activaity on the server. You got my vote.
Agreed, but given that a good portion of us are busy and having mods on most of the time on each server is a pipe dream with how much staff we actually have at the moment, your suggestion might sound good with the right requirements for a kick. Thanks for the suggestion though, they're always appreciated.
Totally agree with It is as perfect as it is right now, if it gets implemented for normal people to use I bet that abuse is going to be high.
I think that if the vote kick feature was available for people without VIP, the server as a whole would have like a cooldown of sort, and that a very large majority of the server would need to vote on it. If the vote passes then make the cooldown less ig. Vote ban should always stay VIP only tho. Also this would probably still be abused. Everything can be abused. so we'd need a false kick thingy in the ban requests.
@SilverMario had an idea about making a votekick/ban application which has its ups and downs. Alternatively, you can use the !calladmin feature @Klock has mentioned. Just keep in mind that staff may not always respond to !calladmin so just be sure to gather evidence beforehand. If no admins are available to assist, then you may post ban request against the player (with screenshot/video evidence)
It was an idea I did have like a few months ago but it got shot down pretty hard. Honestly looking at it now only VIPs+ seem like the best people to have VIP because most likely since they donated thry will not abuse it. The application could work out but we already have jr mod as a position so I don't really see the point in also having a votekick application.
I don't really see the need for all users to have the !votekick command, and i'm not saying this because i'm a power hungry Gold Vip that only wants things to himself. I'm saying this mainly because I have used the command once, and even if you use it if the user has friends within the server they will obviously vote no, then you have the people who completely don't care, don't vote or the people who think the guy is funny so they won't vote no. Conclusion: - The command is rarely used - The vote rarely passes - Could be used maliciously by a group or users breaking the rules