Ban Request against The Shaggster

Discussion in 'Approved' started by Bender, Aug 28, 2016.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against The Shaggster

    Target Name:
    The Shaggster
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    Solid Snack
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    2016-08-28 16:35:38 UTC
    Devinity Flood US #1
    What rules the target broke:
    05. Do not money round. (Stalling the round to get extra cash and/or shooting dead players props for cash)
    06. Do not truce. (Go solo or make a team. Nothing in between)

    Briefly explain what happened:
    The Shaggster and Bubble Buddy(STEAM_0:1:80795281) truced the entire round and stalled at the end.

    Screenshot evidence:

    Video evidence:

    Other evidence:
  2. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    This isn't really enough evidence but I'll take your word for it. Hope you're being sincerely honest.

  3. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Never tell your password to anyone.
    7:31 PM - CounterCraftz: ?
    7:32 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Hey
    7:32 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM:
    7:32 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: me
    7:32 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Banned for trucing while offline when i never fucking truce.
    7:32 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Lmao
    7:33 PM - CounterCraftz: you can appeal
    7:32 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Legit food review
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Or you can unban me and actually ban the fucking russians that ACTUALLY team when i do !calladmin
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: im not gonna make an acc and appeal likea faggot
    7:33 PM - CounterCraftz: are you gonna sit there arguing
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: i didnt truce
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You hate me THAT much huh? lame game
    7:33 PM - CounterCraftz: lmao i don't hate you
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Nigga's mad i used a pred missile on him
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    7:33 PM - CounterCraftz: you just have a shitty attitude
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: You do
    You do
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: weab
    7:33 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Unban me.
    7:34 PM - CounterCraftz: you're funny
    7:34 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Ik
    7:34 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: That isnt even evidence lmao
    7:34 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: I fucked up bubblebutt right after i sunk the nigga who was shooting me with an RPG
    7:34 PM - CounterCraftz: you can be apologetic right here right now
    7:34 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Oh
    7:34 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: i can?
    7:34 PM - CounterCraftz: yeah
    7:34 PM - CounterCraftz: wouldn't hurt
    7:34 PM - CounterCraftz: seriously
    7:34 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Wouldn't help.
    7:35 PM - CounterCraftz: i could reconsider your ban
    7:35 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: This isn't really enough evidence but I'll take your word for it. Hope you're being sincerely honest.

    CounterCraftz, Today at 1:49 PM
    7:35 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Exactly.
    7:35 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: CounterCraftz: i could reconsider your ban
    7:35 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Do it then
    7:35 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Reconsider.
    7:35 PM - CounterCraftz: i'm just waiting on you
    7:35 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: For what.
    7:35 PM - CounterCraftz: i dunno
    7:35 PM - CounterCraftz: apologize?
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: {LINK REMOVED}
    7:36 PM - CounterCraftz: if you cba to make a forum account and appeal that way
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: For what?
    7:36 PM - CounterCraftz: then apologize
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: For what.
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Being banned already for homophobia
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: do you know what that word means?
    7:37 PM - CounterCraftz: if you're just going to sit there complaining, why do i have to bother?
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Lmao
    7:36 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Sorry
    7:37 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: there
    7:37 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: But for what?
    7:37 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: {LINK REMOVED}
    7:38 PM - CounterCraftz: sarcasm or not, i do respect you for apologizing
    7:38 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: ?
    7:38 PM - CounterCraftz: you've been unbanned on us1
    7:38 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: us1
    7:38 PM - CounterCraftz: wait for the unban to sync
    7:38 PM - CounterCraftz: on others
    7:38 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: what about all
    7:38 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Ok
    7:38 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: thanks
    7:38 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
    7:39 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: A bit young to weab-out your profile.
    7:39 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Old*
    7:39 PM - CounterCraftz: does it really matter lmao
    7:39 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: YEs/
    7:39 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Well not today i guess
    7:39 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: because 22 year olds are accepted to live in their parents basement still
    7:39 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: sad
    7:40 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
    7:40 PM - CounterCraftz: why are you being passive aggressive lol
    7:41 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Because i'm always aggressive
    7:41 PM - CounterCraftz: you should start being more considerate for others
    7:42 PM - CounterCraftz: like i did to you
    7:41 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Nah
    7:41 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Nah
    7:42 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: I'm considerate enough.
    7:42 PM - CounterCraftz: are you always this toxic lol
    7:42 PM - CounterCraftz: or are you just having a bad day
    7:42 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Yes.
    7:42 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: ofcourse you are the prissy "oh boi i love evrything!'
    7:42 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: kind of person.
    7:43 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Fuck me, you weab-ed out your profile with animated shit.
    7:43 PM - CounterCraftz:
    7:43 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: Theres alot of people on us1
    7:43 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: you should come on and ban all the russians
    7:44 PM - CounterCraftz: i'll pass on that
    7:44 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: So i cant make my team a certain color
    7:44 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: thats rip
    7:45 PM - CounterCraftz: you can just untick "random color"
    7:44 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: still broken
    7:45 PM - CounterCraftz: rip
    7:46 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: 2 teamers on rn
    7:46 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: !calladmin
    7:47 PM - CounterCraftz: record a demo and post br
    7:47 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: "br"
    7:47 PM - MattNificent #ytcracker #KEEM: ?
    7:47 PM - CounterCraftz: ban request
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
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