Yeah i know I'll get some shit for admitting I watch it, since most assume its some teen girl drama. I thought the same thing when my friend told me he watched it but ultimately gave it a try. It's really good and deals with some serious issues but I won't spoil in case anyone here does actually watch. If you do comment what tape you are on. My eyes watered in the last episode, musta been allergies.
Not really at all, though I know most people label it as that and move on. People always beg for shows that deal with (a) sensitive topic(s), but when they actually get them they knock it right away because its emo. In the show, she takes her life for several reasons (13 obviously) but I wouldn't associate any of them with emo.
I was meming but I did actually hear that some of the tapes were really dumb or some shit (Dont watch it and know nothing about it)
There were a few that were lackluster I suppose because they couldn't go overboard on each tape less it'd become unrealistic, but each tape was necessary to connect them all at the end so can't blame the writers.
I like the show. Didn't shy away from hard topics, I think that was a selling point. The characters, even when they were evil or bad or whatever, I still found myself invested in them and their personalites. Overall a good show with some good twists and such.
Yeah I also liked how they showed the different reactions to the death; how some coped with it different. When Mrs. Baker found the body it was so uncomfortable and almost made me throw up.
on my first watch i found it super melodramatic and contrived, but im biased because i usually hate angst stuff like this ill probably try to watch it again soon, though- theres a lot of stuff that i appreciate only after a second viewing