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Discussion in 'Unban Requests' started by Ratatoing, Mar 16, 2017.

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  1. Ratatoing

    Ratatoing Member

    Mar 16, 2017
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    The junior mod name is PetronTheOnly is the one I am making this ban request and ban appeal for. I was playing gmod with my friends and he went and banned me for a valid reason then went and banned AGoodBoy for offensive group name "Nibba" the definition of this is "The art of changing word slightly, so no one gets offended." Therefore this would make this group name not offensive what so ever. The third ban was on a fellow KrastyKlown which the reason for this ban was harassment what he said was just arguing the fact that the second ban was a false ban then when Petron started to lose the argument and the server was starting to agree with KrastyKlown then the Jr Mod PetronTheOnly went and banned KrastyKlown For 1 Hour due to the fact of Harassment when it was simply the fact of personal preference of the argument at hand. The admin was also calling my friend the KrastyKlown a white man because he sounds white when KrastyKlown is black and of the African American decent and race. I hope this can get reviewed with a timely manor and force can be applied to the demote this Jr mod.

    Additional Information

    2)"Racism team name Nibba"-PetronTheOnly
    3)"Harasment Asking for solution over and over and over and gave reasoning"-PetronTheOnly

    PetronTheOnly-> https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561194026968203

    PetronTheOnly was also telling my brother with cancer called Ewing Sarcoma a rare bone Cancer that cancer patients were aliens and they are bald because they shouldn't live I find this very offensive My brothers name is Joe Mongelluzzo and lives in New York and his online name was AGoodBoy or also refereed to as Narc.

    Proof -> https://www.gofundme.com/2hy6nh0
  2. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    You're definitely pulling some type of conspiracy here. I was with Petrone the entire time and he wouldn't ever say something fucked up like that. I do not condone shitheads like you putting in false information especially when it's something as serious as this. Unless if you have solid evidence, I'm not buying your bullshit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  3. Petrone

    Petrone Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 12, 2015
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    "Nibba" the definition of this is "The art of changing word slightly, so no one gets offended."- still refering to the word "nigga".
    "The third ban was on a fellow KrastyKlown which the reason for this ban was harassment what he said was just arguing the fact that the second ban was a false ban then when Petron started to lose the argument and the server was starting to agree with KrastyKlown then the Jr Mod PetronTheOnly went and banned KrastyKlown For 1 Hour due to the fact of Harassment when it was simply the fact of personal preference of the argument at hand." - KrastyKlown was harrising me about the fact of all the bans when I had legitiment reasons of racism, I gave him options to go to the fourms and post ban appeals.
    "The admin was also calling my friend the KrastyKlown a white man because he sounds white when KrastyKlown is black and of the African American decent and race. I hope this can get reviewed with a timely manor and force can be applied to the demote this Jr mod." - He addmited to being white.
    "PetronTheOnly was also telling my brother with cancer called Ewing Sarcoma a rare bone Cancer that cancer patients were aliens and they are bald because they shouldn't live I find this very offensive My brothers name is Joe Mongelluzzo and lives in New York and his online name was AGoodBoy or also refereed to as Narc." - Never said this at all check logs please.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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  5. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    Oh yeah, you're not getting off that easy. Now I definitely know you're pulling something off here.

    Fuck off. (Players that were involved have been permanently banned from the servers & forums.)
    • Like Like x 2
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