I think we can add another player model called jake the dog its pretty self explanatory. but i don't have a workshop thing if i needed it .-.
http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=172268892&searchtext=jake+the+dog i found a model i think it is as derpy as finn
Wrong section; should have taken care to search the bloody sub-forum first. There's already a thread exclusively for player model ideas––go there.
you should do a little more research on your player model, (it say's rag doll in the title, don't know how you didn't see it) But I wouldn't think Jake the dog is a good idea, you don't really see him on any servers, but it would be a good idea to install new player models, I don't know about you, but I don't want to be a weird magician skeleton dude for Christmas, he seriously looks like he's about too beat your ass if you don't give him his Halloween candy.