Important Account Security

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by jeffreythe00, Aug 21, 2016.

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  1. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    In light of recent events. A hacker managed to take control of Devinitys dedicated server. Not once, but twice! This isn't good, so I'd like to address just how important it is to keep your accounts secure. You could be the next person Supreme00 attacks.

    The best way to defend this is to keep your account secure. Now I'm not asking people to lock their accounts up like Fort Knox. Because lets face it, being 100% secure sucks. Just try to add "a few" more steps to whatever your security is. I'll give you some below. I'll also give you some attack types and
    spyware hackers use.

    Never click on random links. Links can take you to sites that can do all kinds of nasty things.Phishing and Java Drivebys are common when clicking random links. If you suspect a link might be malicious, open it on your phone first. Phones are less susceptible to the types you'll encounter with malicious links because they are pretty much immune to the types of viruses you'll encounter (unless Win10).

    Never use a password that you use for something else
    . If you NEED to use the same password (because you won't remember it otherwise), then try the following suggestion. This makes it very easy to remember the password and less likely someone will
    "Brute force attack" your password.
    Example 1 (adds 1 layer of security)
    Password for everything: Jeffrey19

    Skype: SkypeJeffrey19
    Devinity: DevinityJeffrey19
    and so on.

    Example 2 (adds 1 layer of security)

    Skype: Jeffrey19+++
    Devinity: Jeffrey19+++

    Example 3 (Adds 2 layers of security)

    Skype: SkypeJeffrey+++
    Devinity: DevinityJeffrey+++

    Don't let your browser save your passwords. Oh my god, I don't even know why this was ever a good idea in the first place. I get that its convenient but, if you get
    ratted or similar, then you just gave the hacker a treasure trove of "easy access" usernames and passwords to all the sites you have them saved to.

    If you HAVE to save your passwords on your PC. I recommend storing them in a .TXT file in a locked RAR or similar.

    Honestly, these are the best tips I can give. If you do any of these, you'll be pretty hard to hack. Please keep safe and have a good day.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2016
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  2. Logster

    Logster Logest Of All Logs Silver VIP

    Feb 16, 2016
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  3. Legacy™

    Legacy™ Dedicated Member

    Jul 9, 2016
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    Also always use 2 factor authentication when you can , it will save you even if someone has your password.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. jeffreythe00

    jeffreythe00 Dreamer Platinum VIP

    Jun 2, 2014
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    This is very true and has saved me on many cases.
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