There is a mechanic/addon in DarkRP and various RP gamemodes that involve deleting or ghosting props if they are spawned too quickly. Also, this mechanic could stop people from spawning props for a few seconds, if they continue spamming props. It has been known that a simple way to crash the server (or any server for that matter) is to spam props everywhere, and physgun them to cause massive lag. If this mechanic was added, it would at the very least discourage griefer's efforts to spam. This mechanic brings up one question. How would it transfer into Flood?
If you're typing 2 sentances in 4 seconds they'll have to be short, so just type like a normal person. Typing one word (Maybe 2) a sentance is the only way you'll get 3 words in 4 seconds realistically. Suck My Dick If you're doing that stop doing that.
I think this Is reallly Stupid. In battle rounds in order to talk fast, you have to type in multiple sentences. And be able to continue fighting. I got into the habit from another Gmod server. That if you stopped moving you would pretty much get snipped.