Ban Request Against Котя-мяу мяу ツ Target Name: Котя-мяу мяу ツ Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68618152 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: IceSeasons Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 2016-01-04 09:46:47 UTC Server: Devinity Flood EU #1 What rules the target broke: 05. Do not prolong the round. 08. Do not truce. (Don"t team outside of official teams) 13. Do not encourage the infraction of rules or loopholes thereof. Briefly explain what happened: A group of 6 members were trucing with each other outside official teams despite several warnings from me and other members of the community. They refused to comply with the rules and even ignored me when I have repeatedly asked them to stop trucing. They've also prolonged the round several times in the sever, making it unfair for everyone waiting for the next round as they refused to shoot each other and prefer to wait until the timer goes down. Screenshot evidence: Video evidence: Other evidence: Otsos*Po*Ping[y] oJ STEAM_0:0:109248343 FaNToM STEAM_0:1:60050802 Kid_Cat STEAM_0:1:27131451 Kоp4enko STEAM_0:1:97156653 Sodych STEAM_0:0:51016599
I would also like to add that BoSchitt was part of this "mass trucing" campaign and they are also unwilling to stop trucing and such despite several warnings given. A ban request of him was made a while ago too. Evidence: Other Evidence: BoSchitt STEAM_0:0:140858448
Hello @IceSeasons, I have banned Котя-мяу мяу ツ, Otsos*Po*Ping[y] oJ, FaNToM, Kid_Cat, Kоp4enko, and Sodych for 2 days as well as extending BoSchitt's ban to 3 days for 2 ban requests on him. Thank you for this outstanding report.