Ban Request Against -Corp-, T3ABAG Target 1: -Corp- (STEAM_0:1:105015374) (Forum Profile)Target 2: T3ABAG (STEAM_0:0:77240955) Requester: Laklod (STEAM_0:0:15140172) Event Date and Time: 11:40 PM GMT +2Server: Devinity Flood EU #2What rules the target broke: 2: Do not Prop Minge. Examples include using props for:2c: Trapping players + pinning boats down.6: Do not deliberately disrespect, discriminate against or offend players.Briefly explain what happened: Some guy went ahead and stuck me inside one of those plastic room-like props, and his buddy propblocked some room, and later on pushed me off my props, and insulted me and stuff, all visible in screenshots. Screenshot evidence: