Ban Request against Dawson

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Bender, Dec 3, 2015.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against Dawson

    Target Name:
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    Approx 8-9PM GMT 03/12/15
    Devinity Flood US #3
    What rules the target broke:
    10. Do not disrespect Devinity administration or your fellow players. (This includes harassment of any kind)
    Briefly explain what happened:
    Dawson (An administrator here at devinity). Personally attacked me. I would like to point out that similar remarks (If anything less offensive) I was demoted temporarily and an intervention took place. He also did not take my inquiry seriously and was incredibly dismissive and unprepared to help me as I went to him for help and requested a genuine unsubjective reason as to why he removed one of my posts. He was incredibly unresponsive in the shoutbox and then decided to belittle as I went to him reasonably angry (Due to his lack of help). For some reason he feels that I might for some reason not have a genuine issue or something (At least I hope that because if this is how he usually treats users I hope he is demoted immediately).

    Screenshot evidence:

    Video evidence:

    Other evidence:
  2. Alex

    Alex Mouth from the South

    Sep 13, 2014
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    Whilst everyone is probably going to ignore this because they really hate all this drama, I think I might take a swing at it.

    I do agree with Rick that it is completely valid with what he said. I do agree with him that some anime is a form of child pornography and I also beleive that the whole point Rick was trying to make this some animes are disgusting and do exploit child pornography. So Dawson deleteing it might not have been an appropriate action..

    HOWEVER-- I dont believe that this is a Bannable/Demotable offense. @Dawson has put a lot of time and effort into our servers with making suggestions, moderating, helping out the server, etc. I think Dawson should just take this as a warning to just not do it again instead of jumping the gun.

    Dont get your panties in a twist because I dont think he should be Banned/Demoted either.

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  3. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    Complete private discussion (no bias):

    First and foremost, I've held no malicious intent against you.

    I was concerned solely with upholding the following shoutbox rule from here:

    The above was adapted from the rule thread that preceded the shoutbox version. Content is subject to change, but since its inception no one had yet to address anything problematic.

    My last statement in the private discussion was pushing it, I will admit that. For any mistakes I have made in the past I have always made sure to acknowledge them in short order and refrain from repeating them again.

    I provided succinct detail about why I made the decision to remove Rick's statement and issue a single-point warning. Constructive criticism about how to cut back on rudely addressing / referring to others was also shared. The amount of grace I had going into the discussion was markedly reduced upon being greeted by the provocative slur of the opening post. Having repeated insults thrown at me took its toll. By then it was apparent that my non-aggressiveness was being taken advantage of, and I was not going to have anymore of it. This led me to being more blunt and cynical.

    On Sunday evening I chose not to continue pursuing discussion on the shoutbox because I cringed at the likelihood that another episode similar to the previous ones about Alex was about to unfold. Drama would completely engulf the forums, members would get spun up, and nobody that would have been involved would be able to get some sleep without worrying about it on the back of their mind.

    I was preoccupied with boarding a plane back home and was more concerned about meeting deadlines for school. While I did return to the forums to comment about / post content between Sunday and yesterday evening, my actual time being active was allocated sparingly.

    Between these dilemmas I prioritized the ones in real-life. Worrying about social interactions was the last concern I had on my mind at the time; fixating on them was not going to help me pull myself through the remainder of this quarter. Yes, I avoided viewing the private discussion until yesterday evening. No, it was not done out of whim.

    For the record I have avoided going out of my way to mistreat / verbally abuse members and staff since becoming a Junior Moderator. Based on previous observations of shoutbox disputes (e.g. scenarios about Alex) I assumed Rick was venting out steam over being caught breaking a rule, so I thought the appropriate action to take at the time would be to avoid feeding into it as much as possible. As Alex herself stated in a joint-private discussion with Decap, Bayrock, Jefferey, myself, and her:
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
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  4. Firedraft

    Firedraft Devine Member Silver VIP

    Nov 21, 2014
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    My opinion, both of you need to stfu and grow up. I honestly found nothing wrong with Rick's post and find it ridiculous it was removed. What rule was "Do you consider drawn child porn an art for too? I do".
    I for one think none of this would of happened if we weren't so strict with the rules. Also letting admins/mods administrate what they want and how they want is ridiculous and shouldn't be happening. Not going to name any names.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Dawson

    Dawson Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    Jun 6, 2014
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    Good Guy Bufo#0933
    I already repeated myself: I stuck by the shoutbox rules. (Yet clearly they are in great need of being reworked.)

    I have made every effort to keep myself calm, logical, and composed throughout this situation. Did you not once see me avoid being an aggressor or verbally abusive (e.g. addressing people with names like "bitchicus")?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  6. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    Denied and locking this thread. Unhinge whatever is planted ever so firmly up your asses and get over it. He deleted a fucking shoutbox comment. For fuck sake get a grip on your lives and quit complaining about every little thing.
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