Ban Request Against Ezehzz Target 1: Ezehzz (STEAM_0:0:86657379) (Forum Profile) Requester: Baldy (STEAM_0:1:25543028) Event Date and Time: 2017-12-05 11:36:40 UTCServer: Devinity Battle Royale EU #1What rules the target broke: 6: Do not exploit and/or encourage the use of any glitches, hacks, or bugs.Briefly explain what happened: Keeps using Aim-bot. 1. Screenshot: He just killed three pals across the map, no shot missed. 2. Screenshot: He peeked around the corner, he aimed automatically at his head, even though he wasn't looking directly at him when he peeked. Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....573/FD7FE487E627CA81CA1DCEFA6FE10F7BBC9DAE61/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....960/7B27B5591B2F0E867A5C4BFD29EFA220E6D662C6/
Hello there, thanks for being concerned about possible rulebreaker! Even though I can`t take decision about this request, still I want to point out that accusation of somebody using cheats such as WH/AIM/etc. must be proved with video evidence, screenshots aren`t showing enough information. Probably your request will be denied...