Ban Request Against fraKtic Dota Target Name: fraKtic Dota Target SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55465198 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: Derfboy the fish Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 2016-14-08 11:09 AM Eastern Time Zone Server: Devinity Flood US #1 What rules the target broke: 01. No minging or sabotage. (Do not mess with another player"s props without permission) 02. Do not Prop Minge. (Intentionally Flinging props around aimlessly; using prop/s to launch yourself forward quickly to a room; using prop/s to trap/block a player; sharking; etc.) 08. No spamming of any kind. Briefly explain what happened: This guy got upset he kept losing and I kept winning and started spamming. I took screenshots and told him to stop. A few rounds later he snapped and kept prop pushing me. Screenshot evidence: -snip- Video evidence: No videos Other evidence:
I'm sorry but the evidence you provided isn't actually a link. It's just a directory input for your computer if you were to place it in the search bar for files. Please change it to a clickable link or this is Denied. 24 hours to do so.