Ban Request Against Georgie Target 1: Georgie (STEAM_0:0:103392239) (Forum Profile) Requester: Papi (STEAM_0:0:83278670) (Forum Profile) Event Date and Time: Dec 16th @ 8:48 am ESTServer: Devinity Flood EU #1What rules the target broke: 1: Do not minge or sabotage.2: Do not Prop Minge. Examples include using props for:2c: Trapping players + pinning boats down.Briefly explain what happened: Player pinned another playrs boat down with his props. Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....641/ECE38FC6B938B2EA2C32EEE5ED5AB09DA1357778/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....478/846B0E8D13D2386F5795DDB40CF95ACEA6BF99E9/