Ban Request Against honeyimsorry | Bear | Chops Target Name: honeyimsorry | Bear | Chops Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51087701 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: Classic Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: GMT 7:00+ 1:24 PM Server: Devinity Flood US #1 What rules the target broke: 5: Do not prop farm with living combatants. 10: Do not exploit and/or encourage the use of any glitches, hacks, or bugs. Briefly explain what happened: It was the tower event, and they glitched into eachother all three of them, Rollie and i gave them ways to get unstuck, but the didn't listen and continued to shoot dead players props, not only prop farming but delaying the round further. Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....239/A08F4D1817697DB57BC4B3435E71AFB27B4E0BF0/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....292/141094CD2816D77E8A0C19C709999DB45B45A49C/ Video evidence: Other evidence: honeyimsorry: STEAM_0:0:51087701 Bear: STEAM_0:1:56089306 Chops:STEAM_0:0:37545144
Well I am honeyimsorry and the others were my teammates. We had not played the tower event before and we did not know about the stuck glich. we couldnt kill anyone else as they were all stuck too. Since we couldnt kill any of the living combatants what were we supposed to do? we tried getting unstuck with crouching but had no results. They said to type kill in console but why would we kill ourselves while everyone else got to live stuck. We really did not know about the glitching and couldnt get unstuck. For those reasons, please reconsider banning us. Thank you.
All of us were stuck inside eachother, we all three communicated over voice chat that we had attempted to crouch jump, crouch and normally jump to escape the glitch, which alwhile was happening to other users, shortly after Classic had reccomended that we console kill, by then the round had already ended. If I'm giving my honest opinion Classic was too quick to report me and my team members for such a small thing as a glitch we couldn't fix, we were trying to talk to him about how we couldn't fix the problem and he just gave the response of, *DEAD* [Platinum] [yellow]classic: Reporting all three of you now *DEAD* [Platinum] [yellow]classic: honeyimsorry *DEAD* [Platinum] [yellow]classic: bear As for the 'prop farming' I had read the instructions wrong and informed my team that the goal was to destroy all the other players props above the water line, we had already destroyed the other players props so we attacked the last remaining tower. About the 'glitching' into eachother, that's just what happened when we were crowded on one prop and it was broken under us, from the screenshots you can see the same happened to the other folk playing. In my opinion Classic was just salty and wanted to report someone for no reason other than nothing better to do, thanks.
From what has been said, I believe everything was done unintentionally despite a few things that doesn't 'click' together based on @honeyimsorry's response, hours on record & the server logs. Player collision is something we are currently looking into fixing. However, all of you guys will be getting a stern warning as you could've find alternatives to avoid round delaying. Thanks for taking the initiative & going out your way to respond to this request.