Ban Request against IceSeasons

Discussion in 'Denied' started by Bender, Mar 23, 2017.

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  1. Bender

    Bender Forum Bot

    Jan 3, 2015
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    Ban Request Against IceSeasons

    Target Name:
    Target SteamID:
    Target Forum Profile URL:

    Requester Name:
    Requester Forum Profile URL:

    Event Date and Time:
    March 19th 2017
    Devinity Flood US #2
    What rules the target broke:
    09. Do not discriminate against other players. (On the basis of religion, sex, race, orientation, ethnicity, age, etc.)
    16. Do not use noclip to annoy other players.

    Briefly explain what happened:
    I was on the server right before I went to leave for the beach (the night before) and seen a few confrontations between the Jr. mod and another player. The Jr. mod (IceSeasons) was no clipping throughout rooms after already doing a check for props crashing the server. The player asked him politely to leave him alone multiple times before becoming frustrated. The player pointed out his wrong and wanted something to be done about this abusive moderator. He "compensated" the player (which I do not know what) and then I calmly said if you have a problem with him then just report him. He then threatened me and the player. I then simply asked how to reach the forums and was told If I "complained" one more time I would be warned. I asked how would that be obstruction I was muted and gagged. After leaving it alone for a while later on I ran into another situation. In the MOTD it says no discrimination. No personally I dont know about any else but being homosexual I take alot of shit daily and nothing makes me more angry then calling someone gay. He used the word in chat towards another player and I took action towards it when I did I was threatened to be kicked, banned, muted, and gagged. Later someone was banned due to discrimination not being taken lightly.

    Screenshot evidence:
    Everything relates to what I said they are all in order.

    Video evidence:

    Other evidence:
    • Informative Informative x 2
  2. Petrone

    Petrone Member Bronze VIP

    Mar 12, 2015
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    Rule 9 I can kinda see but it isn't a big offense.
    Rule 16 from what I saw you have no proof of.
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  3. counter

    counter Moderator Staff Member Server Moderator Platinum VIP

    Feb 21, 2015
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    From what it looks like, IceSeasons isn't really doing anything wrong here. There's a certain boundary you can reach in regards to rule #9. I believe it's okay to joke around as long as the term isn't being directed towards anybody in a derogatory/slanderous way. (However, disparaging remarks/using racial slurs like '~snip~' isn't tolerated here.) You could've politely asked him to stop instead of causing a huge fit.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  4. IceSeasons

    IceSeasons Dedicated Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Just saw this BR, I will be giving my input of this in the next 12 hours. Currently at work.

    If you want any witness testimony, ask Viral.
    I will prepare the following logs and evidence for this. Also, nice story that you cooked up there.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  5. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    This fits nicely here
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2017
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. Decap

    Decap Super Radman

    Jul 9, 2014
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    I say the word "Gay" all the time as a way of showing how displeased I am with a certain situation or persons actions.

    "My boss fired me for going to the bathroom to much"
    "That's gay"

    "That kid spilt milk all over the place and didn't clean it up"
    "Why is he being so gay?"

    It has nothing to do with sexual orientation in the slightest and is simply a term used for situations like that. Could a better word be chosen? Sure. Should IceSeason be banned or demoted for using it, in my opinion, no. Now if this were a more derogatory term like "~snip~", I'd understand. But gay wasn't being used as a derogatory term and when most people say it, that is not the case either. Also, it wasn't even directed towards you, so why are you taking offense to it? To me, it sounds like your skin is just a little to thin and you let something small bother you to easily. I'm not in charge anymore, so this is just my opinion.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2017
    • Winner Winner x 2
  7. Viral

    Viral Devinity's Finest Forger Platinum VIP

    Sep 27, 2016
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    I was here at the time of this occupancy and if I believed it had gone too far I would've taken action against IceSeasons but as it was all clearly a joke and the word "gay" was directed at me, and me only then no one else should've gotten offended by this however I can see why, IceSeasons has not broken any rules and I think it's just pathetic really, if he called a user gay that's a whole other story but he only stated that I was gay, which I'm fine with because we are friends, thank you for the report but unless you have evidence of him actually disrespecting a player then I doubt this br will get you anywhere. Have a nice day.
  8. Wolfgang

    Wolfgang Veteran Member Platinum VIP

    May 27, 2015
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    I don't think any action should be taken against @IceSeasons as of right now, although I do think he should apologize out of professionalism. That's really all you are going to get from this but if something of the same situation pops up again perhaps Ice will be placed on probation. Does that sound good?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. IceSeasons

    IceSeasons Dedicated Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Alright, I am back from doing some work due to a naval incident. Time to explain my side of the story:

    This scenario and situation you've given here did not happen at all. It all began when there was a player within the server prop pushing multiple players, including myself. As I turned around and checked who was prop pushing, a number of players flew across me, and I mistakenly took one of them (Toddism22 CSGOspeed.COM) as the perpetrator of this case. I gave him a warning and a slay (my bad on this part, I mistook the culprit), and Viral and his teammate corrected me on this case, stating that it was .: DreamS.PlayeR-Pschyso qlo < 3: who was prop pushing. After some confirmation, I immediately apologised to Toddism22 CSGOspeed.COM, repealed his warn and gave him a compensation of $2 500 as a result of my mishap over this incident. He decided to forgive me and not pursue the matter, but you, a witness who wasn't affected by this incident, decided to lash it out on me for this careless mistake, making it so that it was a big and huge issue to deal with.

    Evidence #1:

    There was no threats or provocation or anything when I addressed my mistake during that period of time, I only stated that I apologized and gave compensation to the player who I mistook as the culprit and that I cannot do any further within my jurisdiction to deal with this incident. In fact, you did not "calmly said" if he has a complaint against me, he can report me. Your first statement goes like this:

    Cliche: stop abusing your power and play like the rest of us

    Tell me, how is this calm and not provocative? If you are trying to be a mediator, you obviously failed in the first step.

    After that round, I decided to check the map to inspect all of the boats and contraptions within the server, since there were some props flinging around and that there was the possibility of props glitching or getting stuck. Apparently, using noclip as staff agitated you that much, and because you wanted to get back at me for that "careless mistake" I did, you decided to make a huge fuss out of it.

    Evidence #2:

    The reason why you were muted and gagged eventually is because you became insistent and stuck to the idea that you are right, and that you are always finding an excuse or a reason to shoot down staff members who make a simple mistake in the server. Your stubborness and shit attitude towards staff, along with the consultation and joint agreement with Viral regarding you and your conduct in team chat, has forced me to take action against you to prevent further harassment on me. I won't tolerate this kind of toxic behaviour, be it if you inflict it on me or any other staff members when I am present.

    What a contradictory man. You would get so salty over someone being called "gay" in a jokingly manner towards a friend that you are not involved in, but you would actively support other players to promote racism and white pride? How laughable, maybe try forming a well-balanced argument in the first place and setting a good example first before being a hypocrite and correcting others.

    In case to anyone why I said "gay and reported" towards Viral, we were actually pulling a quick prank on Dawson while he was AFK. I replied in such a manner towards Viral as a reply to his joke and such (although understandably, some of you guys might not appreicate it :x). Here's what we did, we removed it after a few seconds. Sorry Dawson.

    The evidence above, coupled with your evidence (look at the building timer - 0:54 and 0:49) links both of the conversations together, and that it decisively proves that I did not use the term to hurt or demean anyone, only in a jokingly manner between Viral and I. You decided to make a drama out of it, citing that I was "hurting" people when clearly, everyone was cool with my statement and did not raise any concerns about it. The way how you replied towards me was clearly provocative and aggressive in my terms, as if you wanted a fight or an argument with the other player. If you get any other decent human being in my position, you'll be sure to pick a fight with that guy.

    Your claims that you were "threatened to be banned" is clearly unsubstantial and is all baseless conjecture. True, I have warned you that you will be gagged or muted if you continue, and that a kick will pursue if such infractions continue, but in no circumstances did I ever threaten a ban on you. I even gave you the possibility of another warn, which is already a sign of leniency and patience with you. Heck, I even got questioned by Dawson a few days later, asking why I do not follow the Kick-Ban-Permaban procedures, since kick is now the new warn in our system. Be thankful that I gave you more than enough chances to correct and redeem yourself.

    Evidence #3:

    That ban was not administrated by me, it was given by Petrone after he found that a team was using racist terms as part of their teamname. I didn't even know the definition of that term (since I don't live in the United States) until Petrone explained the term to me in PM. Here, you can see proof that the teamname was in fact in reference to this, and that all of the team members were banned by Petrone for an hour as a result of their insistence and defiance to our orders. Don't go showing part of this conservation and shove it as evidence when you know you are hiding the truth.

    Evidence #4:

    Honestly, your ban request against me is a joke, a laughable one to be honest. I will admit my mistakes and take full responsibility for my actions if I crossed the line and misrepresented the community and the staff administration, but you distorting the truth and showing part of the whole story is all great humour and comedy to me. Maybe if you would have been a tad smarter, listen to staff advice and not be a nuisance in the server, I would have let this slide and give you a chance to redeem yourself, like what I have did to all rulebreakers that I have encountered myself while moderating. But no, you have to prove that you are right all the time, and as a result of your actions and your stubbornness, the truth is exposed and you will take the consequences as such.

    Don't fight a war you can't win dude, learn to accept defeat and acknowledge the matter.

    I would like to recommend a 2 weeks ban on this stated player for lying in a BR, encouraging the infraction of rules in the server and obstructing staff duty during that period of time. Hopefully, you won't be as stubborn and disrespectful to staff members in near future. Take this time to reflect on your actions and understand the causes of it. Once you've learnt from your mistakes, feel free to join back.

    I rest my case.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  10. IceSeasons

    IceSeasons Dedicated Member

    Dec 5, 2015
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    Just a shoutout to some of the replies I've seen in this thread, since I can't possibly fit my message into a 10K character limit.

    I appreciate the fact that you guys are concerned about the well-being and feedback of the community, especially when it concerns staff abuse and the staff administration. An uncorrupted and efficient staff administration is what I uphold the most, but what I cannot stand is that when staff members tries to pass down judgement without any opportunity or form of defence from the accused. Everyone should be given a chance to speak for their actions, and I believe that my actions, substantial with decisive evidence, should at least justify my rationale for taking such course of action. I truly hope that in the near future, such comments that tries to pass down judgement under insufficient evidence or grounds would be discouraged in near future, since it encourages an incorrect verdict and unnecessary problems within the administration.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Cliche

    Cliche Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    For starters I wrote this after coming back from vacation with my husband. I do not believe for a moment you are grasping how the word gay makes someone homosexual feel. You did not help the fact of saying you use it all the time as a way of addressing something that is annoying to yourself. Just because the word "~snipped~" has more racial history to it dosnt make it any less worse than "gay." My words were very twisted when used out of context and order.

    "There was no threats or provocation or anything when I addressed my mistake during that period of time, I only stated that I apologized and gave compensation to the player who I mistook as the culprit and that I cannot do any further within my jurisdiction to deal with this incident. In fact, you did not "calmly said" if he has a complaint against me, he can report me. Your first statement goes like this:

    Cliche: stop abusing your power and play like the rest of us

    Tell me, how is this calm and not provocative? If you are trying to be a mediator, you obviously failed in the first step."
    As you can see I said "Report him on the forums if you have any proof"
    Yes I did say what he used but only after being threatened.

    "If you want to step it up, I will just say it was an accidental report"

    I was never supporting the racism I was using it as a example of how that is frowned upon but in the case of using a discriminatory word towards who I am is not?

    Everyone else might have "cool" with what you said but were any of them homosexual?

    If I missed any points please let me know.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2017
  12. Viral

    Viral Devinity's Finest Forger Platinum VIP

    Sep 27, 2016
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    I get where you're coming from, and now i'll ask you, what do YOU want doing about this? This is your report after all, i've spoken to IceSeasons about it and we still don't have a valid reason to do anything to him, whether that be a demotion or warning, etc. Would a personal apology suit you? Or some form of reassurance that this won't occur again? My aim here is to fix this problem and hopefully make you both happy with the final outcome, because I wouldn't like to see IceSeasons get punished for something like this, but I would also not like you to leave our servers because of this, so i'm at a bit of a cross roads on how to engage this, please respond with a suitable way to resolve this without any punishment being involved, because that's the last thing i'd like to do.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2017
  13. Cliche

    Cliche Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    I would like a apology I feel like its hard these days with everyone out to hurt each other for who you are. I will admit it may have been overly drastic of me to react the way I did but it is truly something I stand for with everything I have. If any reassurance can come then I would definitely appreciate it.
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