Ban Request Against jason touhiees (cheek tickler) Target 1: jason touhiees (cheek tickler) (STEAM_0:0:52267546) Requester: Raspy♤ (STEAM_0:0:92804138) Event Date and Time: 2017-10-14 21:58:42 UTCServer: Devinity Battle Royale EU #1What rules the target broke: 3: No spamming of any kind. This includes but is not limited to:3a: Voice spam6: Do not exploit and/or encourage the use of any glitches, hacks, or bugs.Briefly explain what happened: mic pamming the same thing threw 3rd party software and spamming chat and suspected cheating Screenshot evidence: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....830/E4D7D57C6C0EF6F43D42B799850C7F0BFB836A99/