Ban Request Against ;Kawaii;C SexyPlip Target Name: ;Kawaii;C SexyPlip Target SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100884570 Target Forum Profile URL: Requester Name: xisntfeared Requester Forum Profile URL: Event Date and Time: 6:10 PM EST, 6/1/15 Server: Devinity Flood US #2 What rules the target broke: 03. Do not build "sky boats." (Boats with props that are suspended in the air) 20. Do not use thrusters to make flying boats or to hold up heavy props. Briefly explain what happened: ;Kawaii;C SexyPlip made a sky boat two rounds, and was slain both rounds. The first time he was warned he should not sky boat, and that his boats had spaces that were too large, the second time he built a boat with thrusters to balance it and help keep it afloat. Screenshot evidence: Video evidence: Other evidence:
Most of these pictures show no rule breaking. " Show 1 rule being broken." Which could of easily been resolved with a slay. The other ones show nothing. News Flash this is allowed "Bayrock: I generally allow it if it doesn't span the entire map"
To me it felt like there was large spaces in the props, which I thought wasn't allowed, The extent of un-allowed spaces was still sktchy to me however, so I did slay, although there isn't much argument for using thrusters to lift the boat upwards. A ban in this case however wouldn't be necessary and wouldn't be acted on, but I felt there should be attention brought to it in the very least, and leave it to other moderators with more experience to decide if there should be any action taken, or if a slay was enough. I'll use this as a learning experience for moderation, but I feel the slay for thrusters stabilizing the boat was justified.
About the spacing out props. As long as its not taking up the whole map. "Example having a prop by room 6 and 5"
He made the sky boat and I slayed him, and the round after he had the bot with thrusters and I slayed him for that. After that I had to get off though, so I can't tell if he did it anymore after.
I wasn't sure if what i saw was enough for an actual ban, but I wanted to bring things like this up since he was applying, because a moderator needs to know the rules well enough to not break them or what wouldn't be allowed.
I think I'm going to deny this since it was all kind of vague. Next time do a demo, demos are ALWAYS better than screenshots for these situations. But we def will keep it in mind since he is applying. If he does this again, I won't be so lenient.